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Time flew by. It was now July. The weather was getting warmer, the days longer and everything was great.

Harry was now 17 months old and into everything. There had been some concerns about his development though. He hadn't started walking unaided until last month and he was still quite unsteady on his feet.

As it was a lovely day, Anne invited her friends and the boys over to her house. She had a paddling pool set up in the garden.

"Louis...don't empty that cup of water on Harry. " Jay said.

Harry was giggling though, not minding one bit. Louis looked at his Mum and frowned at her making Jay laugh.

"He's ok Jay.  Harry's loving it." Anne added.

So Louis carried on as Harry splashed his hands in the water.

Niall was laying on his tummy, crawling around trying to catch zayn, as he wriggled away, laughing his head off.

"So glad we got the pool." Anne said. The women had all put money in to buy it.

"Yeah. The boys are loving it." Maura said, laughing as Zayn caught Niall.

Louis suddenly jumped out of the pool and toddled over to Jay. "Mummy...wee." he said.

"Ok baby." She picked him up, being quicker to get to the toilet if he was carried.

Harry saw Louis leave and crawled out of the pool, heading towards the kitchen door. He scraped his knee on a sharpe stone, though, and screamed in pain.

Anne rushed to pick him up. "Oh my god!" She gasped, seeing the blood seeping from what looked like a deep cut.

Harry was hysterical. Anne ran indoors with him. Maura followed her, leaving Tricia and Karen watching the other boys.

"Where's your first aid kit?" Maura asked.

"Um..um..in..in that cupboard!" Anne pointed, shaking as she got a damp cloth to clean Harry's knee.

She took him into the living room and laid him on the floor as she cleaned around the wound.

Jay came in with Louis. "What happened?" She asked, seeing the blood on Harry.

"He crawled on something sharp in the garden." Maura replied, opening the first aid box and passing it to Anne.

Anne's hands shook as she rummaged through the box.

Jay put Louis down and sat next to Anne, helping her find some antiseptic wipes and a big plaster.

Harry was still crying, wriggling on the floor. Louis was upset that his friend was crying, so he sat by his head, leant over and kissed his forehead. He then stroked Harry's hair, as Harry started to calm down.

Jay put a plaster on Harry's knee, as Anne was shaking too much. There had been quite a bit of blood, which she has a phobia of. When Harry was cleaned up, she picked him up and cuddled him.

"You ok love?" Jay asked Anne. She was as pale as a ghost.

"Yeah oh God I'm sorry I overreacted." She replied, still shaking as she rocked Harry.

"Don't be sorry.  It's a natural reaction." Maura said as she patted Anne's arm.

They all went back into the garden to see their friends worried faces.

"Is he ok?" Karen asked, getting up to hug Anne and Harry.

"Yes. He's ok now. " Anne said, as she said down carefully.

"Think we could all do with a cuppa?" Tricia said. "Ok if I make some?"

"Thanks. Yes that's great." Anne replied, wearily.

"Didn't know you were squeamish?" Jay asked as Anne calmed down a bit.

"Oh. Yeah. Have been since...since...him. He hurt me...you know?" Anne replied, embarrassed.

"Sorry love." Jay patted her hand. Harry was drifting off to sleep, obviously tired out from his ordeal.

Louis stood inbetween Jay and Anne, looking at Harry. "Hawwy cwy. " he said, sadly.

"He's ok now Lou. Thank you for helping him earlier." Anne said, smiling at the little boy who was so obviously going to be Harry's best friend.

"Yes...you were such a good boy. " jay added, stroking his brunette hair. He climbed up on Jay's lap and cuddled up, feeling sleepy.

Meanwhile the other three boys were still playing happily in the pool. Tricia made the women some tea and put the mugs on the table near their seats.


An hour later and both boys were awake. Anne had scoured the grass looking for any more sharp things. Satisfied there was nothing, she let the boys loose.

Harry was toddling around, in the middle of Louis and Zayn, holding hands, as they helped him around the garden looking at Anne's pretty flowers.  He fell back on his bum and giggled as Louis picked a buttercup and held it under his chin. Jay had done that to Louis before and he always liked the tickle.

The Mum's took lots of photos of all the boys.

At 4pm everyone had to go home. The Mum's had to start on dinner.

Despite Harry's misfortune, it had been another great day.


Anne bathed Harry after dinner. It was impossible to keep his plaster dry, so she would just replace it after.

Harry splashed in the bath. He loved water. Definitely a water baby. "Maybe I could take you swimming one day?" Anne said. Harry splashed more, getting Anne's top wet. She laughed.

"Right. Come on munchkin, let's get you ready for bed." Harry whined as Anne lifted him out of the water and wrapped him in a fluffy towel.

"Ob...why do you have to be so cuddly and adorable?" She asked as she took him to her bedroom.

Harry giggled as she dried him on her bed. Clean nappy and lightweight pyjamas on. Smelling clean and fresh. Tired eyes and cute dimples.

Anne read him a story and within minutes he was tucked up in his bed, fast asleep, dreaming of another fun day.

OH MY GOD! What do you all think of Dream with me?

Honestly...I couldn't stop smiling. It's so lovely. His voice is so calming and beautiful.  I've listened three times already. Lol. I'm addicted. I'd love to see a video of him recording it.

Anyway....what are your thoughts on the story so far?

Hope you're liking it?

All the love.  💖💖💖

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