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December 25th...


"Is it my birfday again Mummy?" Louis asked as he saw all the presents waiting to be opened. Jay laughed.

"No Lou. I told you before. Yesterday was your birthday, today is Christmas day." Louis looked confused.

"Um...ok. but these are for me?" He asked, pointed at the gifts.

"Yes love. All yours. Go ahead and open them." She replied as Mark came in with two mugs of tea and some milk for Louis.

"Is Hawwy getting presents?" He asked as he started ripping paper off his first box.

"Yes. And Niall, Zayn and Liam."

Louis smiled. "Yay. We can play wiv their toys too."

"I expect so." Mark laughed at Louis' cheekiness.


Meanwhile at Anne's...

"Happy christmas darling. Did you sleep well?" Anne asked as she picked Harry up. He snuggled up to her, rubbing his tired eyes. "Let's go see what Santa has bought you."

Once downstairs, Harry's eyes lit up. He looked at Anne and gave her a big smile.

"Shall we open them?" Harry nodded.

She sat him on the floor and Harry patted the presents. He loved the noise that wrapping paper made when he touched it, he has always loved it. He started tearing the paper off, his smile getting bigger as he saw each present.

He giggled as he grabbed some stimulating toys, loving the bright swirling colours and textures.

Once the presents were open, he climbed up into Anne's lap and he gave her a big slobbery kiss. Anne laughed as he hugged her previous boy.

"We're going to Auntie Jay's soon. Are you looking forward to that?"  Harry nodded.

"Ooo ooo?"

"Yes you'll see Lou Lou." She smiled.

"Mummm....luff ooo."

"That's lovely. I bet he loves you too. Let's go get dressed. You can choose what you want to wear." Harry grinned as they went back up to his bedroom.


"Next year I want you all at ours for Christmas day please." Anne said as they sat around the table at Jay's eating their delicious Christmas dinner.

"Ok. Sounds good. But we really don't mind you coming here. You know that?" Jay replied. Anne smiled and nodded.

Harry and Louis were sat next to each other. Every now and then Louis would feed Harry something off of his own plate. Cute.

"Can we do da bang bangs now Mummy?" Louis said, making everyone laugh.

"Crackers? Of course."

They all pulled their crackers with the person next to them. Harry with Anne, Louis with Jay. Hats were placed on heads, jokes were told and the crappy bits of tat inside were studied, played with then discarded. That's what you get for buying cheap ones from Tesco.

After dinner, and the dreaded washing up, they were all in the living room, sat on the sofas, drinking hot chocolate and watching the Grinch, again!

"Thanks for another great day." Anne said, smiling at Jay and Mark.

"You're welcome love. Glad you enjoyed it."

Louis was sat next to Harry, who had his thumb in his mouth, looking very sleepy.

"Did you av a nice day too Hawwy?" He asked.

Harry looked over to Louis and nodded, tiredly. "Luff ooo." He rested his head on Louis' shoulder and closed his eyes.

"Mummy...Daddy...Auntie Annie...Hawwy said he luffs me." He whispered, looking so happy it would make your heart burst.

The adults all looked at each other and awed.

"That's lovely Lou Lou. Do you love him too?" Jay asked. Louis nodded, carefully so as not to wake Harry up.

"He my bestest fwend. I is gonna mawwy him when I is older." Oh my God!

"That's nice." Anne laughed. "Think he's fallen asleep now. "

Louis looked down and saw Harry had indeed fallen asleep against him.

"Me sleepy too. Can I go bed now Mummy please?" Louis yawned.

"Guess so. It's been a long day. Say night night to everyone."

Anne gently moved Harry so that he could get up to give them all cuddles.

"Night night Auntie Annie. Night night Hawwy." He hugged and kissed them both. "Night night Daddy." He did the same and turned back to his Mum, holding his arms out, wanting to be carried up to bed.

"Back in ten minutes. Don't think it'll be long before he's asleep." Jay said as they disappeared up the stairs.

"I'll get going when Jay comes back down." Anne told Mark.

"No rush. Why don't you stay a while longer? I mean Harry's already asleep." He replied.

"Um...ok just time for another cuppa, then we'll go. Thanks."

"No problem." Mark replied, going through to make her a drink.

Jay came back down ten minutes later. "Out like a light." She said, sitting down next to Anne. "You staying for a bit,"

"Just having a cuppa. If that's ok?"

"Course it is. Stay as long as you want." Anne smiled. It was only 7.30, not like it was late.

"So...you're going to Tricia's tomorrow?" Jay asked. They were all meeting there for their post Christmas get together.

"Oh yes. Should be a good day." Anne replied as she sipped the tea Mark handed to her.

Harry woke up, fidgeting. He let out a tired cry.

"What's wrong baby? Did you have a bad dream?" Anne picked him up off of her lap and stood up. She walked around for a bit but he still cried. "Sorry, think we better get home now. He needs his bed." She said sadly.

"It's fine. Mark will walk you home." Jay replied, sympathetically.

Jay collected their things for them and gave her bag to Mark.

"Thank you so much for today. It's been wonderful." Anne said as she gave half a hug to Jay. "Love you both so much."

"Same. Goodnight. See you tomorrow. "

Mark walked Anne and Harry home.


"Goodnight my Sunflower. Sweet dreams." Anne said, kissing Harry's rosy cheeks as she tucked him into his bed. He finally calmed down once he was home and in his pyjamas.

"I love you my darling." She put his night light on and left his door ajar, going to her own bed and falling asleep by 9. It had been a long but very enjoyable day.


Oi oi.

You lot ok?

Um...so this film that Harry is supposedly meant to be in...thoughts? No arguments tho pls.

I'd love to see it. But I cant see how he would be the star if Chris pine is in it too. I'm reading the story right now.  It looks good and I'm halfway through it. Interesting.

Anyway...thoughts on the chapter and story as a whole is welcome.

Also if anyone wants to msg me, go ahead. I get really bored easily lol.

Take care. All the love. L.

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