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August had been full of appointments for physio to try and get Harry's legs strong enough to hold his weight. He had grown stronger, thanks to that.

No decision had been taken about his hearing yet.

The friends spent most of the summer together. Growing closer.

In a few days time, Louis and Zayn would be starting playgroup.

"So you all ready for Louis going?" Tricia asked Jay as they sat in Tricia's garden.

"Yes. He's definitely ready to go now. Plus...a bit of me time sounds good." Jay replied.

"Zayn is too. He's driving me crazy." Tricia laughed. "Do him good to be around more kids."

"Aww... I can't believe that Tricia." Maura said. "He's a little cherub."

Tricia laughed. "Yeah ok. But he's a little bugger when he needs a nap."

"So...Anne, how's Harry doing?" Karen asked.

The boys were all in the paddling pool again, splashing each other and giggling.

"He's ok. His legs are a bit stronger. He can stand up longer now. They're waiting a bit longer then they'll try and start him on the walking."

"That's good news. He'll be running around soon enough." Karen replied.

"Not sure about running, but it'll be amazing to see him walk."

"Just try and think positive. He may surprise you."

Anne nodded as she watched Harry splashing about, having fun.



"Bye bye darling. You have lots of fun Yeah?" Jay said as she hugged Louis.

"Bye bye Mummy." He replied, smiling widely.

Louis let go of her and waited for Zayn.

"See you soon Zaynie. Have fun." Tricia said as she kissed Zayn.

The boys took each others hands and went with a girl who worked at the playgroup and went inside.

Tricia and Jay looked at each other and sighed.

"Oh God. I feel lost already." Jay said. "Coffee?"

"Sure." The two woman went to their usual coffee shop in town.


Later on, Jay headed to see Anne.

"Hi love." Anne greeted her as she walked In the door. "Come in."

The women went into the living room and sat on the sofa. Harry was asleep on the chair. His thumb was in his mouth and he was hugging his favourite Teddy bear.

"So...how did it go? Louis go off ok?"

"Yes. No problems at all. He went in holding Zayns hand. It was so adorable."

"And how are you?"

"I miss him. Silly, I know. Just so used to having this whirlwind rushing around." She laughed. "Guess I'll get used to it."

Harry opened his eyes, taking a few moments to adjust to the sunlight coming in the window. He spotted Jay and smiled.

He sat up and looked around.

"Oh. He's looking for Louis, isn't he? " Jay said.

Anne nodded. Harry clambered off the chair and crawled around on the floor.

"He doesn't understand." Anne said as she picked him up.

"Hey baby." Harry looked at Anne. He had a questioning look on his face, which turned to sadness. He looked back at Jay then Anne. He put his head on Anne's chest and sucked his thumb again. He wanted Louis.

"I shouldn't have come. I'm sorry." Jay said, sadly.

"Don't say that. He's gotta get used to not seeing Louis so often. I just wish I could tell him so he understood."

Anne rubbed Harry's back as she could feel his tears on her t shirt. "He's crying. He hardly ever cries." Anne said, trying not to cry herself.

"Anne. Please don't cry." Jay said. "It'll be alright. In time."

"Yeah. You're right. It's just so much happening all at once." She sat back down and hugged Harry.

"I know. Remember what I said about needing help. Don't ever be embarrassed to ask any of us. Ok?"

Anne nodded. "Thank you. Thank you so much. What time do you pick Louis up?"

Jay looked at her watch. "Oh...I should get going. How about I bring Louis around after playgroup tomorrow? I don't want to upset Harry though."

"That sounds like a good idea. Hope he's had a good day. Let me know." Anne smiled as they both stood up and walked to the door.

"Bye Harry." Jay said stroking his cheek. "Bye love."

"Bye Jay. See you tomorrow." Anne replied. Jay left and Anne closed the door. She sat back on the sofa, Harry cuddled up close.

"I wish you could hear me. I wish you could understand. I love you so much."


"Louis!" Jay called out as she picked her son up from playgroup. Tricia was there to collect Zayn too.

"Mummy! Mummy!" Both boys called out running into their Mum's arms.

"Did you have fun baby?" Jay asked as Louis gave her a big wet kiss on her cheek.

"Yes I has fun lots. " he replied, giggling, showing her a picture he had painted.

"Oh...this is lovely. Is it you and me?" Louis nodded. "Well done! This needs to go on the wall when we get home. But first, we're going for ice cream!"

"Yay!" Louis shouted. "Zay too?"

"Yep. Zayn and his Mummy are coming too."

The four of them headed to the ice cream shop and had some of the best ice cream in town.


Needless to say, Louis and Zayn both fell asleep earlier than usual. Both worn out from a busy day.


Who is excited for tomorrow? 10 years of one direction.

Anyone think anything is going to happen?

I'm annoyed cos I have to go work. I hope I don't miss anything.

Thoughts on the chapter?

All the love 💖💖💖

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