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Remember, remember the fifth of November,
Gunpowder treason and plot.
We see no reason
Why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!

Guy Fawkes, guy, t'was his intent
To blow up king and parliament.
Three score barrels were laid below
To prove old England's overthrow.

By god's mercy he was catch'd
With a darkened lantern and burning match.
So, holler boys, holler boys, Let the bells ring.
Holler boys, holler boys, God save the king.

And what shall we do with him?
Burn him!


Bonfire night!

A night when thousands upon thousands of people gather together in  cities, towns and villages to light bonfires and let off fireworks.

This was the first year that Anne had decided to take Harry along to one of the local firework displays.

The five families all met up in the town centre, looking down on the huge bonfire that had been built in one of the main fields.

"Who wants a hot dog?" Geoff called out.

"Me me me me." Was the response.

They headed off to one of the many burger vans that were set up and got in the queue.

"You want a hot dog?" Anne asked Harry, who was in his pushchair.

He shook his head. "Chis pease." He replied. He meant chips, but couldn't say it properly.

"Ok darling. I'll get you some chips."

They got served fairly quickly and managed to find somewhere to sit altogether.

The boys all sat eating their hot dogs, Harry eating his chips. The grown ups had burgers.

"The procession should be coming along soon." Jay announced, looking at her watch.

"Yippee! I loves the pwocessing." Louis said jumping up and nearly dropping his food.

The procession was a long line of floats, built by various schools and organisations in and around the town. People would sit on them and wave as they drove through the streets, the roads would be closed to other vehicles.

They decided to move down closer to the bonfire.

"Come on boys. Let's go down there now." Mark said, picking Louis up and putting him on his shoulders. Louis shrieked as he was lifted up. He held on tight.

"Don't drop me Daddy!" He said, giggling.

"Of course I won't." Mark replied.

"Pick me up too Daddy." Niall said. Bobby picked him up too.

As did Geoff with Liam. The only one not on shoulders was Harry who was tucked up nice and warm in his pushchair.

The walk down took ten minutes, it took a while to get through the crowds of people.

This was one of the biggest bonfire nights in the area, people would come from miles around.

"Perfect spot." Tricia said, as they came to a halt. The procession was nearby now. You can hear the music and cheers.

"Here they come!"

The floats started arriving. You could see how long they must've taken to make. There were people dancing on them, holding up banners, handing out sweets. Everyone was so happy.

The last float to come by was the main one with the effigy that would be put on the bonfire.

Every year it was someone different. Somebody that people didn't like. Yes it wasn't a very nice thing to have a dummy of a real person there, but that's what happens.

This year was a politician, quite often it is.

The float went into the field and the effigy was placed onto the bonfire.

Then people lit torches and put them into the firewood. It didn't take long for the flames to take hold and the fire was soon getting bigger and hotter.

Everyone was cheering.

After a few minutes, there was a huge bang, and the sky was lit up by a massive flash of multicoloured lights.

The firework display had started.

Harry jumped in his pushchair. The noise woke him for the sleep he had just fallen into.

Anne noticed and quickly picked him up and hugged him.

"Look at the pretty fireworks Harry. " she said. She didn't want him to be scared and even showed him Louis and the other boys laughing and clapping.

But Harry didn't like the noise. His sensitive hearing was in overdrive  and he covered his ears.

"I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry." Anne said as she could see how upset Harry was getting. There was no way of escaping it though.

There were so many people around, that they couldn't possibly get away, plus they'd have to go quite far away to get away from the noise properly.

Thankfully, after twenty minutes of endless bangs and flashes, the display was over, and everyone cheered and clapped loudly.

They hung around for a bit afterwards, to let the crowds disperse.

"Oh god. Is he ok," Jay asked, worried at seeing Harry clinging to his Mummy.

"He didn't like it. I feel so bad for bringing him now. " Anne sobbed.

"Hey. You weren't to know. Don't cry. Why don't we go home? Mark can bring Lou home later."

Anne nodded as Jay smiled and turned to her husband.


Back at Anne's house...

"Anne took Harry out of his pushchair. He still looked upset. His eyes big and wide, looking up at the ceiling. He was still scared.

"It's ok now baby. You're home with Mummy and Auntie Jay. I'm so sorry you got scared." She hugged him tight, feeling him relax slightly.

"Don't be hard on yourself Anne. Nobody knows what their kids will like unless you try it." Jay said, stroking Harry's cheek.

He put his thumb in his mouth and closed his eyes, feeling safe cuddled up to his Mummy.

"You're right. Sorry I freaked out though. You better get home. We'll be alright now. Thanks for seeing us home."

"If you're sure? You take care love. Bye Harry." Jay said, but Harry was already asleep.

"Goodnight Jay."

"Night Anne. See you for coffee tomorrow. "

Jay went home. Anne took Harry upstairs, changed his pull up which was soaked, probably from being so scared, put him in his pjs and put him in her bed. She didn't want him waking up scared in the night, and to be honest, she just wanted her Precious baby boy next to her tonight.


I don't know what other people do on bonfire/fireworks night but this is what happens in my town. I haven't been to watch it for years now though, as I just can't be bothered and really hate all the crowds.

Hope you're all ok?

Thoughts on the chapter?

All the love. L. Xx

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