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"Come here you little monkey!" Anne laughed as she chased Harry around the living room, both on their hands and knees.

Harry giggled as he kept going. "Harry! Come on Mummy wants a cuddle." Harry stopped suddenly and sat back on his bum, arms out ready for Anne's cuddles." She picked him up and stood up, giving him the biggest hug possible. It was crazy how much she loved her little bundle of joy.

"You little monster!" She tickled his tummy, making him giggle even more. He was such a happy boy.

"Shall we go to Lou Lou's house today?" Harry clapped his hands in excitement, nodding his head. "Right then, let's get breakfast and get ready."


At Jay's house, a bit later, Anne and Jay were sat in Jay's living room drinking coffee.

Harry and Louis were sat on the floor playing with building blocks.

"So...I heard back from the nursery, Louis has a place from September." Jay said.

"That's great. He'll really enjoy that." Anne replied. She was happy for them, but also worried that Harry wouldn't see Louis as much.

"I'm hoping Zayn got in too so he'll know someone else."

"Can't think why he wouldn't. Shame Harry's too young." Anne replied. "Not sure he'd be up to it anyway. He's still behind in his development. I'm seeing the nurse next week about it."

"I'm sure it's nothing to worry about." Jay responded, smiling sympathetically.

"I hope not."

The boys were playing nicely, as usual. Louis would pass a block to Harry and then help him to place it on the top. Clapping whenever he managed it. "Yay. Hawwy!"

Harry would giggle and hug Louis when he helped him.

"I have some news too." Anne said. Her smile was as wide as it could get.

"Ooh sounds interesting.  Go on..."

"Well...I've been looking into finding some work I can do at home. I found a place online that want proof readers for their books. I thought I could do that for a while, before I start on what I really want to do."

Jay was excited for her friend. "And what's that?"

"I want to set up my own online business. I have a couple of ideas of what I want to do. Either making cakes or making different knick knacks, jewellery or something like that."

"Anne...that sounds amazing. I'm so happy for you. Good luck love." She leant over and hugged her.

"When do you start on the reading?"

"Monday. I love reading anyway, when I get the chance. Just hope my little monkey gives me peace when I have to do it." She laughed.

Harry looked up at Anne and gave her a big, damn cute smile. Louis handed him another block, but Harry was getting bored and tired and swatted his hand away.

"Harry...no. don't do that please." Anne warned him. He frowned and rubbed at his eyes.

"Sorry Lou Lou. He's tired." Anne said as she picked Harry up. He immediately snuggled into Anne's chest.

Louis smiled. He didn't mind. He just crawled up into Jay's lap and did the same.

The women both laughed.


Anne started her job the following Monday.  She was reading a fictional story about a girl who left home to explore the world. Anne wishes she could do that, but with Harry of course.

On the Friday, she took Harry for a development appointment  at the hospital. Harry giggled the whole way on the bus  ride there. Anne would point out different new things as they passed by.

In the hospital, they waited a while, before a male nurse came out and called them into his office.

"Good morning Anne, Harry. I'm nurse Murs, you can call me Olly though. Please take a seat."

They sat down and waited for the nurse to speak again.

"Right...so Harry is 18 months old?"

"That's right."

"I'm just going to do some tests, just a general health check. But if you have any worries, please don't be afraid to ask."

"Well...he's only just started walking unaided, but he'll only take a few steps before he falls over. He's very clumsy too."

"Oh. Can I take a look?"

Anne nodded and placed Harry on his feet on the floor. "Harry, can you walk to the nice man?" She encouraged  him.

Harry giggled as Anne let go of his hands. He took three very wobbly steps before falling onto his knees. She picked him up and he did it again.

"Hmm...ok. His legs should be stronger than that at this age." Olly said, writing notes on his tablet. "We need to take a closer look at that. Anything else?"

"I know he's still young, but...he doesn't try to talk. His friends around the same age all say things...mumma, dadda." She shivered at that word, "but he said Mumumum once and that's all I've heard." She felt very emotional at that point, and tried all she could to not cry.

"Try not to worry. As you say, he's still very young. I'm going to finish his check up, then I'm going to make more appointments to take a closer look at these issues." He patted her hand, sympathetically. 

Anne smiled. "Thank you."

The rest of the check up was completed. Olly seemed happy with everything else. He reassured Anne once again and said goodbye.

Now she had to wait for the appointments, hoping they'd be sooner rather than later.

Oh no. What's wrong with Harry...(if there is anything. He might be just a late developer of course. I'm not saying anything cos even I dont know yet. *evil laugh*)

How is everyone?

All the love 💖💖💖

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