Chapter 4

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'Employee, Balloon, little girl'

Y/n's pov

"You were a little held back there, did Jennie forgot her phone?" Mina asked and I laughed remembering the last time Jen left her phone.

We were back in school with just the three of us, Lisa still hasn't transferred to our school (or so we thought). Jennie left her phone in the dance room after her practice performance.

She was dedicated to perfect every move she had, as she would always say. I picked her and Mina up using my old car that was a four seater, When Jennie left her phone she had dozens of calls and texts from a random girl.

She didn't know that her phone was missing until the morning when we got in school. She asked everywhere, and nobody knew where her phone was, I even tried calling it every room we go, but we heard nothing of a ring.

Our last bet was the dance room and when we tried there someone was practicing and didn't even notice us come in. Jennie practically had her eyes glued on the woman and whispered to me that she had dibs.

I pushed her at her words and just tried to find her phone in obvious areas but I couldn't see it. Jennie was no help in finding her own phone. I was too fixated on finding it that she was already talking to the girl Lisa.

Lisa had her phone, When she got inside the room to practice she kept hearing the awful ringing tone over and over again and Lisa could not handle the noise.

She almost broke the phone but decided to keep it sane and muted it instead. That's how Jennie and Lisa's love story began, All because of the idiot's dysfunctional brain.

"I think Jennie's good with Lisa for now." I joked and Mina laughed because she was also in on the search for her phone.

"Those two make a really great couple." Mina trailed off and I agreed with her. I might have set off a footing with everyone I met, But when I keep getting close to them they eventually forget it. Just like how I met Jennie, Which is a story for another time.

"But seriously, why'd you stay behind earlier?" Mina asked, obviously finding a conversation for the both of us and I just shrugged.

"Someone recognized me."

"Oh no, you didn't kill them didn't you?" Mina gasp and I clicked my tongue and shook my head. She laughed and gestured me to continue my story.

"The waitress recognized me from my mother. I guess that's why I keep getting the feel of someone looking at me."

"Your mom? Didn't she-"

"Yeah when I was 14. My mom is really the outgoing in the family.." I mumbled the last part, wishing I could be like her.

I looked up to my mother since the day I was born. She had done nothing but love me for who I am and for who I am not. 'She raised a good daughter' is what she'll always say to me when I get down.

Everything went to shit when my father did something horrible. You can just say my family isn't any other family. We're not normal and we will never be.

"Don't you visit her? Sorry, I'll stop pushing the subject." Mina considered me emotions and I just smiled sadly.

"Father won't let me. If he does it, he'll move my mom to another state.." I said while I focused my driving to our destination.

"It's fine.. It's nice to let that out. Thanks for listening " I whispered and I looked at Mina seeing that she held a considerable smile for me.

"Ofcourse, you'll always have me." Mina held my hand on my side and I smiled a bit at her and looked on the road.

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