Chapter 46

547 37 16

'Date and interruptions'

Y/n's pov

I opened my door to my apartment quietly, wondering if Jennie is already asleep. She mostly sleeps on the couch since she doesn't have a television in her room.

I startled her last time by slamming the door so loud she fell face first on the floor. I had to make it up to her by buying her take out dinner.

To my luck, there was no one in the living room nor kitchen. I heard murmuring in my room and noticed that it was slightly opened.

Honestly, I just wanted to sleep after the day I've had. But I knew better than to sleep without telling Chaeyoung what happened yesterday with my Aunt.

"Mom my decision will never change." Chaeyoung sighed and I could see her figure standing and her back turned to me. Her phone was stuck on her ear like glue.

"You haven't met her- No I'm not talking back, my god." Chaeyoung sounded frustrated and stressed.

Does her problems include her mother? Is this why she can't tell me?

I shook my head at the thought, she will tell me when she's ready. I don't have any business pressuring her for something that's been making her mood down.

I opened the door quietly, but not quietly enough. It made a creaking noise that made Chaeyoung looked to my direction and sighed closing her eyes.

She seemed relieved to see me and bid her goodbyes without taking her gaze off me. When she finally threw her phone on the bed I smiled closing the door behind me.

"Hey, was that your mom?" I asked turning around to take off my shoes, and taking off my coat to hang up behind my door frame.

I was pushed forward a bit when I felt her arms wrapped around my waist. I smiled warmly and turned around to meet her eyes.

"I love you, Y/n. Please remember that." She whispered and I nodded, genuinely concern for the sudden mood.

"I already know that, I love you too."

I chuckled when she jumped to hug me and I picked her up and I walked us to the bed so I can sit down.

"I have something to tell you." I said and she pulled away from our embrace and gently stroked my hair, waiting.

"I'm sorry for yesterday, You were going through a rough time and I made it worse-"

"No no, don't apologize about that. I should've told you sooner but..." Chaeyoung sighed dropping her head to look down, feeling drained I see.

"But you're not ready. I know I know." I held her chin up and she looked at me with a apologetic face feature, looking so hopeless and tired.

"Park Chaeyoung, would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow?" I asked knowing a simple lunch date will bring up her mood.

She chuckled. "Who am I to say no?"

We both laughed and I felt my ears get hot from embarrassment. I was still afraid and shy when it comes to asking her to go on a date.

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