Chapter 32

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'Unexpected visitor'

Y/n's pov

I felt a disturbing pain in my throat and I tried to move but I couldn't. My eyes were so heavy that I couldn't open them. What's happening to me?

I heard a few voices mumbling and talking left and right. It sounds so familiar but I can't remember, their voices are so foggy right now.

"If you just begged her to stay in that classroom, we wouldn't be here right now!" A girl shouted and I swear it's Jennie. The girl always has anger issues.

"Oh so it's my fault now? She was persistent and worried, get over yourself Jennie." Mina spat and I still couldn't open my eyes or talk.

"Both of you shut up. The conversation isn't going anywhere if you keep blaming each other." Chaeyoung said, anger was lacing in her voice.

What can I do? Nothing. I can only listen here while all of them argue right in front of my unresponsive body.

"You don't get a talk in this." Somebody spat. Definitely Jennie.

"Jen stop it." Lisa warned her, restraining her girl before things get physical.

I tried moving my hand, I think I did for a little while. I can't tell and my left shoulder hurts so bad. What's worse is I can't talk and move.

"She shouldn't even be outside the class." Jennie said once again and it only made a few people sigh in annoyance of her complaining.

"I swear I'm going to pass out if you won't stop talking." A guy with deep voice said and it's none other than Taehyung. He's my only guy friend, honestly.

"Who even are you?"

"Stop it!" Lisa said and I couldn't hear anything anymore.

I suddenly opened my eyes and the room was so bright, that it can blind me. I first saw Mina who was besides me and noticed that I'm awake.

"She's awake! Call the doctor!"

I saw an unfamiliar man, telling me to follow his finger from right to left. Ofcourse I did what I was told, I can't have them thinking I'm deaf or something.

"Y/n can you blink twice if you can see that painting over there." He pointed at the far left side of the room where I could see it clearly as light.

I blinked twice and he nodded writing things down in a notepad.

"I don't see any problem at the moment. She can't talk right now from dehydration but she should in a couple of hours." He explained and I saw Chaeyoung only focus on me.

I felt her hand holding mine and the entire time, I didn't notice until now.

"Right now she should rest and can we call any family members?" He asked and I opened my mouth to speak.

"N-No..." I said in a raspy voice but was still visible.

"Oh. I guess she's ready to talk. But don't force it y/n okay?" He asked and I nodded.

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