Uncle steve

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I could have sworn I pushed the publish button yesterday- but oh well. Here ya go! My next update goal is in two weeks (August 21)

Todoroki POV

I forgot my water bottle in the locker room, so I was walking down the hall until I saw Killua and Gon running away from a black haired man with a pink streak in his hair.

How weird...

I closed my water bottle cap and followed them, hiding around a corner when I saw a detective pull out a taser and chase them.

Why are they being chased anyway?

I looked down the hall where they originally came from and didn't see anything which would help answer my question.

"UNCLE STEVE!?! I forgot about you!!" I heard Killua shout.

I gasped and hid away from their sight.

Killua has an uncle Steve?!?!?!?

Okay. Steve must be on Yui's side of the family since he is on the smaller side and not blonde like Allmight.

He had black hair like Gon. He must be the uncle Gon got the black haired gene from. But then there's also the pink streak of hair. I wonder if he has a kid...

If Steve does have a kid, then that would mean that Killua, Gon, and Izuku have another cousin.

Kaminari is their cousin, but there must be more right? I know that Yui's family is big. I just haven't found everyone yet. I found Steve, Minami, and Mito who are all siblings of Yui, but who else am I missing?

I need to ask Steve. He might have answers to my questions.

I looked around the corner again and noticed that Killua and Steve weren't there anymore. Tsukauchi was patting Gon's shoulder and was leaving. Once the detective was gone, I walked over to Gon. "I need to ask Killua something again. Do you know where he went?"

"Oh! Hey todoroki!" He smiled and waved.

"Call me dad."

"Oh... umm..." He seemed hesitant to call me dad. I guess it would take some time to get used to.

I sighed, not wanting to wait for them to warm up to me as their new dad. "I need to talk to uncle Steve. Where is he?"

Gon pointed down the hall. I said a quick thank you and ruffled his hair before jogging down the hall to catch up with Steve before he leaves.

I finally caught up to them. They were near the stadium exit.

"Hey!" I shouted, running up to them.

They looked startled to see me.

"I need to ask you a few questions." I told Steve.

Steve started nervously sweating and looked at Killua before turning to me, "Um okay, but I have to leave to go to work soon."

"Don't worry. I'll be quick."

"What's your quirk?" I looked at him head to toe. Yeah, there's no way he has a power up quirk he would have a bit more muscle. Power up types may be able to carry heavy stuff easily, but their body would still be working out and developing muscles. It's science.

Killua patted Steve's shoulder and answered before he could.

For some reason Steve looks nervous...

Maybe he is nervous about meeting me, Killua's new dad. Killua must have told Steve about that.

I wonder how he feels about it.

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