Break time

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Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update last week, but I figured I should tell you now rather than never.

I'm going to take a break with my weekly updates. This doesn't mean I'll stop updating completely it'll just take more than a single week.

I'm having slight writers block, need time to get ahead on chapters and just a bit of time to relax.

I know where I'm going to end and what goals I'm trying to accomplish, so it's not like I'm going to scrap the story.

I'm just trying to get the middle stuff and make it fun.

My goal for the next chapter post is August 7 or in other words the Friday of next month.

If you have any questions feel free to ask but no promises that I'll answer all of them because of spoilers 🤫 or I just don't know.

Until then, stay safe and be smort. ✌️

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