Terrorist In Cali

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I wanna apologize in advance.🥺🥺🥺 Don't kill me over this chapter.
Excuse the errors. Did not proofread.


Okay people I just have one thing to say. My motherfucking girlfriend is the shit. She got people doing everything she says including the President. When she said she had the highest level of security clearance she wasn't lying. She put together a small meeting with me, Obama, State Attorney, Secretary of Defense, Chief if Staff, Vice President, the mayor and a few others. She brought two agents with her, Wells and Michael. We were all in a room waiting on her to join us. She walked in and everyone got quiet.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. I know you are wondering why I called this meeting. There is and active terrorist cell here in California. The reason we didn't have this meeting in Washington is because right now they are focused here. They are targeting all political parties. Councilman Bridges was just pronounced dead today. He was sent a bomb through the mail."

"Hold on one second. You call this meeting under whose authority? Why should we listen to you?" The Secretary of Defense stood up.

"Because I gave her that authority now have a seat Jackson." Obama stated. "Continue Agent Knowles."

"Thank you Mr. President. As I was saying all your mail has been rerouted to my agents. So far we have deactivated four bombs and that includes you Secretary Jackson." He looked shocked and my baby kept going. She posted everyone's picture that has something to do with this cell and Wells whispered something in her ear. "We have information that a video has been posted." She bought the video up. It was an Arab man with a lady tied up.

The mayor jumped up and said, "That's my daughter!"

The man on the video said, "Greetings to you all. I know that by now you know who we are. We will not quit until your government is shut down. Look how easy it is to get to your people. The bomb this morning was just a warning there is more to come. We will bring the United States to its knees. Starting with her." They shot her in the head and she fell to the ground as the video disconnected.

"Noooooo! Not my baby girl!" The mayor yelled.

"Agent Knowles what are we doing about this?" Obama asked.

"We are working with the counterterrorism department in all states. We have people now deciphering the video trying to see where it was recorded. We will keep you all posted as things progress. Remember if you get a package do not open it. No mail should be delivered to your home. Meeting is adjourned until further notice."

    We all got up a little shocked and afraid but we had a job to do. After everyone was done talking we went our separate ways. Beyoncé told me we had to make a pit stop first at the station. I've never heard "Governor Maraj" so much in my life. We got to the back where they was holding Marissa.

"What have she said so far?" Beyoncé asked.

"That this is the beginning. She won't talk to us that much." Another agent said.

"Let me y'all to her." I volunteered.

"What? Hell no. Chapman you are dismissed." She said to the agent. "Have you lost your mind Onika?"

"I know what I'm doing Beyoncé. I'm not some newbie to the world. Also I'm the Governor which means I'm your superior. So step aside Agent Knowles." I said knowing I was overstepping and being harsh. The look on her face was a look of hurt. It made me feel sick but I couldn't back down now.

"Fine. You may enter Gov. Maraj. Anything else you need." She said not looking me in the face.

"No." I walked in now with a smug look on my face. The look wasn't even for Marissa it was for the way she said Gov. Maraj. Like it make my flesh burn like acid. Marissa looked at me surprised that I was there.

"You should be dead."

"I know but for some reason I'm here. What happened to you? You just woke up and decided to be a terrorist?"

"No. I had a business but you destroyed it. So when they contacted me about how they feel about the government I was all for it."

"Where's the things you've received? We looked at the mail me first and know that the bombs that were sent came from you. I know that you can make one so where are all your products. The police is searching your house for them now. It's only a matter of time before they find them." When I said that she got completely calm and smirked, which lets me know they aren't in there but she kept looking at the time. It has to be a set up. I ran to the hall. "It's a set up get them out of there!" Beyoncé called the lead agent to get them out of there. I walked back in the room like I was sad.

"Surprised at what you found?" She said smirking. Beyoncé busted through the door.

"How could you?! Those were innocent agents!" She said jacking up Marissa.

"Innocent you say. You really have to be one with nature to really understand what's going on here. My friends are one with nature and you will see just how in tune we are." She said smiling. I had to think because when we were together she only talked about being one with nature at one place.

"I know where they are!" I yelled louder than expected.

"Are you sure?" Beyoncé asked?

"Positive. Are the officers ok?"

"Yea they are fine. We got them out just in time."

"You mean to tell me they didn't die?" Marissa asked confused.

"Nope but the thing with terrorists they always run their mouths when people die." Beyoncé said as we were walking out the room.

"Come back here! I'm not finish talking to you!" Marissa yelled.

"That was good BB. What's next?"

"This is not a game Gov. Maraj! You can give your information to Agent wells while I go talk to the president. He will be your bodyguard until I get back." She said walking off pissed. I knew I shouldn't have over stepped my boundaries but I got tired of being the scared little Governor. Dante walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Just let her cool down Onika."

"She's really pissed at me. She couldn't even look at me after I tried to pull rank."

"Well at least you know she loves you."

"Why you say that?" I asked confused.

"Because even though you she's your bodyguard. In this situation you have no rank over her. She has rank over you but she let you have it."

"How does..."

"She has rank because the President and Supreme Court gave her that title. She just doesn't like to use it unless it's necessary."

After he said that I felt like an idiot. I didn't know any of that and I should've stayed out of it. I got home and just cried because I know Beyoncé. She's gonna hold this grudge for a little while. Why couldn't I just mind my business? I waited in the window of my house for Beyoncé to return home. I just wanted to apologize but I know it won't be that easy. When I saw that she finally pulled up I walked out the door and ran over to her before she could get in the house.

"BB?" I can smell ladies perfumes all over her and she has lipstick all over her collar.

"It's Agent Knowles remember. What can I do for you Gov.?" She said not even turning around towards me.

"I just wanna day I apologize for what I did. It was wrong and I would never do it again. Please just look at me."

"You know what I don't care. You can have it and pull the rank you think you have. I'll find me a new girlfriend. Maybe the girl who gave me head at the club can be my new girl. Now I'm gonna go with my along with my head instead of heart and keep this relationship professional. I will see you in the morning Gov. Maraj." She said and closed the door in my face.

(A/N: Wow. How long is Beyoncé gonna hold this grudge for? Was she right for letting somebody else give her oral? Was Onika wrong in this situation? Who side do you choose? Let me know what you think. Don't forget to Vote Vote Vote and Comment Plz.)

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