Gaming Enters Reality

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Today is one of my good days so here you are. Enjoy & thanks for the concern❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘


If it isn't one thing it's another. There is two assailants with guns in the hospital. They entered through the emergency exit which should've been covered. When I got to the entrance there was blood everywhere. About 7 people were dead, two doctors, three nurses and two patients. I walked to the stairwell and heard two more shots ring out. I put my ear piece in and called Wells.

"I'm on the first floor where are you?" I asked him.

"We're still in Jay's room on the second floor. They are just shooting random people. This is gonna sound crazy but they can't be no older then 19." He whispered.

"This is fucking crazy. I'm on the second floor now. I see them at the desk smashing shit." As I was listening to them it sounds like they are playing a game.

"I'm gonna step out. Did you hear them talking about points?"

"Yea I heard. Ready? On three, 1, 2, 3. Police freeze!"

I yelled and they started shooting. Wells shot one in the head and the other was just laughing and shooting at me. He stopped shooting and put his gun down which was really weird. Dante walked over there and handcuffed him.

"Kid what is wrong with you?" I asked.

"I just leveled up." He said smiling.

"Kid this is not a fucking game! You're going away for the rest of your life!" I yelled pissed off.

"Nice I get extra points for that." He said still smiling. Like what the fuck is wrong with him? "Get him out of my sight!" Michael walked up to me as they were taking the kid away.

"Hey BG I think I know what game they're playing."

"Ok meet me at headquarters I'll be there soon." He left and I went to see my family. When I walked in the room Onika was shaken a little.

"Dada!" Jayden yelled reaching for me.

"Hey Superman are you protecting Mommy?"

"Yes. I told Mommy we awight(alright)."

"You're a really big man huh?"

"Yes yike Dada wight?"

"That's right. You ready to get out of here?"

"Yes I miss Ayissa. I yeave now Dada?"

"Give me a minute to talk to your doctor ok?"

"Otay. I seepy. Tect Mommy now Dada." He said dozing off.

"I will Superman." I whispered kissing the top of his head. I walked over to my baby and hugged her tight. She finally stopped shaking.

"Everything is fine. It's a bunch of kids re-enacting a game."

"Is he able to leave now?" She asked looking at him.

"Let me go see." I walked to the nurses station and asked if my son was getting discharged anytime soon.

"Actually his is. The doctor should be making his way to you now. There he is." She said pointing behind me.

"Hey Doc."

"Agent Knowles, are you the Agent on what's going on here?"

"No local police are investigating this I will help them but it's their case."

"This is crazy well here is your son's discharge papers. He needs to take it easy for the next three days because he's gonna have slight dizziness and shortness of breath.. Here's the prescription for the cream to heal his back. Only warm baths and no scrubbing." He said handing me everything. He walked over to Jay and checked his vitals. "Y'all are good to go have a great day."

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