Teacher! Kurapika X Teacher! Reader

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       Students were chatting in the hallways, some were just walking through the hallways. You were in front of the school's gates, holding your bag tightly. You were nervous on your first day as a teacher. You don't even know your way, well, it wasn't your fault, no one was going to show you around. Or so you thought.

'Did they even assign someone to show me around?' You thought.

Just as you were about to enter, a guy with blonde hair appeared out of nowhere startling you. "Miss (F/n) (L/n) I assume?" He asked. 'Why is he so formal?'

"Yes, I am. You are?" You asked, looking at him curiously.

"My name is Kurapika, I was the one who got assigned to show you around. Please follow me." He turned around and started to walk away.

'Why is he so stuck up?' 

You quickly followed after him, though he was more faster. 

"This way is the cafeteria, we have lunch at exactly-" 

"Uhm...Kurapika-kun you don't have to tell the exact time schedules, you can just hand me a paper about it." You smiled awkwardly

"Of course, though I forgot to bring it with me. I'll just finish showing you around and after that we could go to my office to get it." Kurapika smiled, mentally scolding himself for his mistake.

You just nodded as he continued on showing you around. 'Well, at least he wasn't so formal anymore.That's a good thing...right?' 

"Do you know your way around now miss (L/n)?"

"Uh...Kurapika-kun, you can just call me (F/n). No need to be formal with me." 

Kurapika stared at you contemplating about whether he should call you by your first name or not. "Alright then. Let's go to my office?" He smiled


It's been a week since you first became a teacher in this school, though you still tends to ask Kurapika about the school. Just in a week, you and Kurapika became close friends. You also met Leorio. He might be a pervert, but he was serious about his job.

"(F/n)? Can you help me carry all this book to the library? Please?" Kurapika pleaded you while carrying a stack of books.

"Of course Kurapika." 

You stood up quickly from your seat, before taking the stack of books on his desk. "Careful (F/n), they're pretty heavy." He warned. "I'll be fine, don't worry about me." It was heavy but you can manage.

"Oh look, the couple is being lovey dovey again." Leorio came in the room. He always teases that you and Kurapika were like a couple. Yes, you might have caught a tiny- alright a huge crush on the blonde.

"Stop it Leorio, you are not helping." Kurapika scolded

"But you aren't denying it either!" Leorio retorts

"Both of you, stop. Kurapika, let's just get this to the library." 

Kurapika just nodded at you before you two made your way to the library, leaving a smirking Leorio. You glanced at Kurapika thinking if you should confess your feelings for him. 'What if he doesn't feel the same and it would ruin our friendship? What should I do?' You panicked.

"Is something wrong (F/n)?"

You snapped out of your thoughts and looked at Kurapika who looked concerned at you. You just smiled and shook your head. Kurapika didn't believe it, but continued on walking. 

"It's (F/n)-sensei and Kurapika-sensei."

"They looked so cute together!"

You heard the students that you have passed, whispered. You blushed at what they said and tried to hide it with the books you were carrying. Somehow, students shipped you two as well.

"You go in first (F/n), I'll hold the door for you." Kurapika smiled at you as you blushed once more.

'Such a gentleman'

As you went in first, you saw a lot of books scattered on the floor. "Oh my...What happened here?" You mumbled. Kurapika went in and closed the door behind him. He froze in his spot when he saw the horrible view.

"What in the world happened in here?" Kuraapika angrily asked to no one.

It was no secret that Kurapika loves to read in his free time. And seeing the books on the floor, scattered, must have angered him.

"Kurapika, we should clean this up." You said, placing the books you carried on a desk.

"We should. I mean, we can't just let it be like this. This is a mess!" Kurapika repied

You two started picking the books on the floor before stacking it. It took you two a while to finish picking it up, and now you two are placing it in the shelves, where it should be.

"I swear if i find the one who did this is gonna be in trouble." Kurapika mumbled

"Are you almost done there Kurapika?" You asked

"Yeah. What about you?"

"Almost- and I'm done."

You went to Kurapika finding his placing in the last book. "Well, that's done. I hope this doesn't happens again." You giggled at him.

He stared at you for a while, making you blushed and avert your gaze somewhere else. As you were looking away, something caught your eyes. You took a step closer and saw that it was a book. You crouched down to pick it up when a hand touched yours, making you stop.


You could feel his breath on the side of your face making you blush fifty shades of red. 'W-What is he doing?!' He moved his hand to hold yours before pulling and turning you to face him.

"W-What is it Kurapika?" You stuttered 

Kurapika stayed quiet, staring at you before moving his face closer. Your heartbeat was beating fast that you were thinking if he heard it.

"(F/n)...Do you have any idea how you make me feel?" He asked in a whisper


He intertwined his fingers with yours before pushing you gently on a wall, his other hand on the side of your face, caressing your cheek.

"You make me feel things I never felt before...for example..."

He brought your hand that he was holding to his chest, letting you feel his rapid heartbeat. 'His heart is beating fast like mine...'

"My heart always beating fast whenever I'm with you."


"(F/n)...I think- no, I know I fell in love with you...

You gasped as he stared straight into your eyes. 'He feels the same way...'  Your mouth was slightly agape when you noticed the blush growing on his cheeks.

"Kurapika I-"

You were cut off when he suddenly smashed his lips into yours. Your eyes widened as his lips moved against yours. Finally kissing back, you noted to yourself that Kurapika has a soft lips. The kiss lasted for a while before he pulled away as you two panted for air.

"I'm guessing you feel the same way?" He smiled


As you blushed more, Kurapika just chuckled at you before kissing you once more.


Outside the library, Leorio who was peeking at the two of you, smirked. 'My ship has sailed!'

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