Chapter 23

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"I got him."

Mr Compress then popped the marbles into his mouth, covered it with his mask and grabbed two branches turning them into marbles and held them in his hand.

They then started to jump up through the trees towards the meeting point with Toga giggling happily.

They saw Dabi and Twice hiding among the bushes under them and Toga gave a happy shriek alerting the two before they jumped up to join them.

"Hey Deku are you okay?" Was the first thing Dabi asked as he saw Deku sweat like crazy. His concern stilled when the monochrome boy gave him a smile.

"Just a little tired. Izuku is almost worn out."

"Ah... gotcha. Take it easy okay?"

Deku nodded and Dabi ruffled his hair before he turned to Toga.

"How'd you do with collecting blood, blondey?" Dabi asked and Toga smiled happily as she replied. "Only one person, burnt bitch!"


"Why are you so happy then?! You look sad..." Twice jabbered and Toga blushed.   "Because I met a cute girl who was also in love!"

They almost reached the point when suddenly,


They turn to see Mr Compress on the floor being pinned down by a bunch of students who seem like they got chucked over. They must've noticed them when Toga shrieked earlier.

"Oh! Your clone just got destroyed! My clones are invincible!!! " Twice added as they turned around to figure out what to do and Dabi sighed. 

"That means Erasure Head's going to the front lines now..."

With the Vanguard Action Squad so close to their rendezvous point, Dabi turned around and yelled as he launched his flames. Mr Compress turned into a marble in the knick of time as the ice only boy was just able to dodge Dabi's flames.

The one with multiple arms was not able to however, causing his left arm to be hit by the flames and he fell to the floor in pain. In an instant, Twice appeared behind ice boy and attacked him, only for the student to block Twice's attack with his ice sending Twice reeling.

Deku took the opportunity and immediately teleported down, grabbed the marble containing Mr Compress and teleported them back.

"Urrggghhh...." He groaned clutching his stomach feeling hungry.

"Deku are you okay?" Dabi asked worryingly before supporting the boy who was drained and offered a piggy back ride before they retreated.

While ice boy dealt with Twice. Mr Compress deactivated his quirk on himself and approached Dabi, dramatically preparing to give the captured students over, only to find the marbles missing.

One of the students then revealed that he took the marbles but because anything could be done, the Nomu suddenly came trampling from the forest with Kurogiri, ready to teleport them away. Toga held the injured Twice's hand as they go into Kurogiri's Warp Gate and successfully teleport away. The nomu followed suit and stumbled in as Dabi bumped Deku onto his back.

Mr Compress then revealed that the marbles the multiple arm boy took were not the captured targets but were the decoys he made earlier instead. The marbles the kid took transformed into the sticks which shocked him as he dropped the items.

Mr Compress removed his mask and stuck out his tongue, which had the actual marbles before the magician put his mask back on. Lecture mode turned on and he explained that he wanted to give the young heroes a sense of false hope. That it was something he considered a bad habit because he got satisfaction from the flaunting he could do.

Mr Compress slowly entered Kurogiri's portal after bidding farewell and having overheard what is happening, a student hiding in the bushes took action and fired a laser beam at Mr. Compress's face.

With his mask broken and sudden shock, Mr Compress spat out the marbles containing the two students at impact.

The two boys rush to grab the marbles, the one with multiple arms grabbed the marble containing the extra student, thus saving him. Simultaneously, ice boy was almost within reach of the marble containing the League's target and nearly grabbed it, but Mr Compress snatched it away before he could.

With Katsuki Bakugou in his grasp, Dabi ordered Mr Compress to deactivate his quirk. He does so which frees the bird like student and Bakugou from their marble prisons.

With a hand on Bakugou's throat, Mr Compress pulled their target into the gate and began teleporting away along with Deku on Dabi's back.

He waved just as they disappeared smiling through the mask.

"Goodbye heroes!"

When they reach base, Tomura saw their low numbers and asked. "So who is still here?"

Deku looked around and counted Dabi, Toga, Twice, Spinner, Magne, Mr Compress, Tomura, Kurogiri and the nomu.

Three were missing... And they were the ones he left behind even though he could've saved them...

"They'll get arrested and interrogated but I'm sure they won't talk so everything is fine."

When Deku heard this, he felt so depressed since he could've done something that he staggered forward.

"Yeah but.... "

Dabi ran back over to him and immediately covered Deku's eyes with one of his large hands as he started to cry. Toga held both of Deku's hands in her own and rubbed circles on the back as Twice walked over and patted his head.

Mr Compress sighed and pulled out a handkerchief from his breast pocket and gently wiped the tears that escaped.

They stood like that for a few moments as Deku's sad sobs hiccupped and echoed before he finally calmed down.

He apologised for his behavior and the league all replied the same, to not worry about it and that it's okay to cry.

"It's nice since we could hardly find time to cry anymore." Mr Compress smiled and Deku nodded before Dabi lead him to the stairs.

"let's get you changed to something more comfy."

They had achieved what they wanted, they got their target and Magne also managed to bring get an extra unconcious hero.

The mission was a success.

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