Chapter 4

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A storm had driven you off, right into the arms of the Straw Hats. You actually didn't have a problem with that. In fact, you liked them and wished them all the best. But then there was your boss, and his resemblance in Luffy got you out of your holyday hopes and dreams.

"Mugiwara! Can I come on board?" you jelled. As soon as Luffy gave you permission, you docked your boat and jumped on the deck of the Going Merry. "Sanji, Food!" the captain said. "Can I have some?" you asked Sanji, the cook, with twinkling eyes. You definitively scared the hell out of Usopp with the drooling expression on your face.

But you were not the only one drooling. Luffy sniffed at you and asked: "Do you have fried fish?"

Not the fried fish. Not again. You cursed out loud, for a full minute, mostly directed at Dragon for being a... you know what. After that you took a deep breath, collecting yourself. "I don't have fried fish, Luffy. I'm sorry if that upsets you." You said with a dangerously calm smile. "Oh." He looked really disappointed. "But I am sure Sanji has delicious food."

After the meal, where you dangerously competed with Luffy over the food, you leaned back and tried not to burp. All in vain. You already had lost your 'sophisticated' air, the moment you started to eat. With Zoro, Usopp and Nami, looking at you with horror (and Sanji with hearts, but you tried to ignore that. It was way scarier.) in their eyes, you tried an other way. "I'm sorry. I have burned a lot of calories the last days." "I don't care." Nami said. "But it would be nice to finally introduce yourself." "Of course. I knew I was forgetting something."

Usopp and Nami sighed in sync. "My name is (Y/N). Nice to meet you." "Like in Whipslash (Y/N)?!?" shrieked Usopp. "She has a 90 million berry bounty! That's 3 times Luffy's!" The crew jumped away. You laughed. "Oh. Last time I read a newspaper, I wasn't even wanted. But the last one I read was...2 years ago?"

"HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY SURVIVE?!? Nami and Usopp asked. "I am not a pirate, I don't wave a Jolly Roger. That's like shooting firework in the air, and saying: Yoohoo! Here I am! Come catch me!" They deadpanned you. "Okay, that was not the smartest thing to say to pirates, but still...It has some perks to be unknown." They still stared angry at you. "Please forgive me. I didn't mean that. Just remember: I am a friend."

"Anyways, thanks for the meal. See ya!" you jumped on your boat, that dangerously shook. You cursed again, as you fell on your back. "Ooooiiii! What do you mean by a friend?" Luffy jelled. "Let's just say I am curious about the man who will be King of the Pirates!" you jelled back as you sat down and started the motor. Screw Paddling. You waved as you sailed away.

"Next Destination: Sparkle Island."

You knew you looked really cool with your hair waving in the wind and the setting sun in your back.

I know this was really short, but I wanted that last sentence as ending. The next part will be extra long, I promise. And sorry that I used 'dangerously'....3 times. It feels like a lot.  and you probably are asking: "You promised us dangerous men! Where are they?" About that, have patience. My ultimate goal is ending this story, at the same time Oda ends One Piece, so hope you're still reading this in 50 years. (Just kidding). But now it is time for Author, someone and probably a meltdown.

Author: So, you said to the Straw Hats, that you burned a lot of calories. Is that an excuse or...

Whipslash: Sometimes. But I swim a lot... and love food! Especially when I do not have to pay.

Author: Is that the reason why you raid my fridge everytime?

Whipslash: Calories?

*Author takes a deep breath and prevents another meltdown. 1-0 for team Author. Hurray!*

Author: Why is your nickname Whipslash? It sounds like someone misspelled it.

Whipslash: It is really easy. Look, you have my whip, and if you use it, it makes this slash-sound.

Author: ...

Whipslash: Really.

Author: That's not the sound that a whip makes.

Whipslash:  Okay okay , maybe I was alittle bit drunk and I wanted to write Whiplash, but instead ended up writing Whipslash under a contract...

Author: ...

Whipslash: and since then I keep receiving glitterballs every week.

Author: That sounds more like the truth.

Whiplash: You believe the glitterballs more than my neologism?!?

Author: Yep.

*Author thinks about a great revenge for her fridge*

Author: By the way, why does it smell like fried fish in here?

Whipslash: #!!!§$%/(/&%$§%//###??=?)/&!!!!!

*Note of the author: This part got censured, it causes childhood trauma*

*Author dies*

The author will write now further from the afterlife. It is safer there. She took the fridge with her.

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