·Chapter Twenty-Three Part 3·

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"Was I squishing you?" Chase asked me as his body brushed up against mine while we lounged around in Liberty and Ahmed's family room.

After lunch and a quick walk through in the forest hours ago, the group of us came back to the house to relax and settle our full stomachs. Sarah fell asleep in Chase's arm on the other side of him, and her tiny legs stretched out over the coffee table; her head resting over his chest. I glanced up at him and shook my head, then looked down at her and calmly stroked the top of her head.

Around her shoulders was my old baby quilt that Liberty kept tucked away. Sarah wore it often like it was a cape that gave her superpowers, and she had told me it gave her a sense of peace and comfort, knowing that it was once her mother's blanket. I quietly smiled to myself, feeling grateful for having my daughter here with me. And as I look over at Chase, I felt the same sense of admiration for him. Ever since he and I met, he'd always been there for us, and we wouldn't be where we are now without him.

Staring absent at the television screen, my mind drifted off to the moment I'd first met him; Halloween 2013.

"Sarah! Slow down!" I yelled to my daughter, pleading for her to stop running so fast.

The streets were packed on Halloween night, and she and I were dressed as characters from Peter Pan; she was Tinkerbell, and I was Wendy Darling.

We'd been out for nearly forty-five minutes now, trick-or-treating, and my ankles were hurting. Luckily, it was a nice night to do this.

"Oh. I am so sorry," I said as I stared at the gentleman that I accidentally bumped into on my way to a large house that passed out candy. "I didn't mean to bump into your shoulder. I was trying to keep up with my daughter. She ran over there."

"It's okay, Ma'am. I'm not hurt," he said, with a Cajun accent. "Which one is she?" he asked, distracting me from staring at his cute Peter Pan costume he had on.

"She is the little one with blonde hair. Tinkerbell," I replied, gazing over at her as I began casually strolling with this stranger.

"Oh! Wow! What a coincidence! I think we have half of the gang here. You are Wendy Darling, your daughter is Tinkerbell, and I'm Peter Pan. And my nephew standing in line is Captain Hook. I guess we made it to Never Never Land?" he said, grinning wildly.

I smiled back and adjusted Sarah's bag of candy over my arm. "Yeah. It looks like it. We took the second star to the right and kept going straight until morning." He giggled and licked his lower lip.

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