·Chapter Thirty-Seven·

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St. Matthew's Psychiatric Hospital


As I pulled up into the parking lot of the hospital, I parked my car and turned off the engine, then gazed up at the tall building, glaring hard at it. It was around twenty stories high with brick walls and shatter-proof windows. A large yard with a thirty-foot fence was wrapped around the yard, and a set of scattered trees were settled around a few rotted picnic tables, making the scene look like something out of a horror story. The place looked and felt creepy to me. I shivered in my spot. As I glanced up, I noticed an overcast of dark clouds coming in and rumbling was heard in the distance.

Even though it wasn't busy on the access road, guards were lined up in several parts of the yard and cameras and security systems were pointed in every direction, including the front entrance. My nerves were shaking uncontrollably at the thought of Luna undergoing anything in this place. I couldn't figure out why Chase would do this to her, but hopefully I'll find out.

As I stepped out of the car and surveyed my surroundings, I noticed a few patients walking from one part of the facility to another. A strong beam of sunlight was cast down as I gazed at several guards walking up and down the fence, monitoring the plantation. It was obvious there would be no escaping from this place, and I hoped that Luna wasn't planning on doing that. They had tasers strapped to their sides, and pistols attached to their belts. They looked serious in guarding their posts.

I shook my head and picked up Sarah, then smiled at her, trying to distract her from where we're going. I began recollecting the last conversation Luna, and I had together. She didn't seem to have any signs in her body language to suggest that she should be admitted into a hospital. But then again, Raul and the others believed otherwise. I was glad he informed me about her cooking lesson at Mera's restaurant, and also about the necklace Luna cherished like it was treasure. I still wondered who Amir was.

As I strolled closer to the front door, one guard pushed his cell phone back into his cargo pants, and then swiped the metal detector along my body before stepping through the door. I let Sarah down, and these jerks did the same to her. Like I would try to sneak something in using a baby. What a creep. I know everyone is checked out beforehand, but she became scared and held onto her aunty's leg. 

A tall, slender man came from around a corner with a tablet in his hands. The surrounding men tightened their poster with their rifles and parted, like the Red Sea, so the man could pass by them. Then a skinny Asian man with a white coat on and dress clothes underneath it came into view.

"Dr. Kim?" I asked, holding Sarah's shaky hand. I was sure this was the head doctor here, and he didn't look friendly. In fact, he seemed standoffish and ready to get Visitor's Day over with. 

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