Chapter 57: Presents and Parties

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"(Y/n)! Loki! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Come on, get up!" yells Peter, jumping on top of where we lay in Loki's bed.

"Mmph." I huff, snuggling closer into Loki's chest.

"Oh come on, get up! It's my birthday!" he yells loudly, squeezing inbetween me and Loki.

"Ugh, Peter go away." shoos Loki.

"Come on! Get up! Up, up, up!" he smiles.

I sigh and sit up slowly, rubbing my face tiredly.

"Let's go to the Lounge! Do you think Mr Stark got me something? Probably not. Maybe. Do you know if he did? Did he!!??" he yells energetically.

"Shut the f*ck up or you won't get my f*cking present." growls Loki.

"You got me a present?" gasps Peter.

"Well I'm kind of regretting it now." Loki huffs.

I smack him in the chest and push Peter off the bed, "We're up."

"Oh my god this is so exciting!" Peter smiles, scrambling to his feet.

"We're not actually getting up, right?" mutters Loki.

"Oh come on. It's his birthday." I urge.


"Come on."


"Come on."


"Yay." I smile, dragging him up from the bed and following a very energetic Peter Parker out of the doorway.

"We need to get a lock on that door." whispers Loki.

"Shh." I chuckle.

As we walk into the lounge, we see EVERYONE here. All of whom look absolutely shattered.

"Ah, look who he woke up last." sighed a VERY tired looking Tony Stark, "Lucky b*stards." he mutters.

"Present time!" smiles Peter.

Steve lets out a slightly tired sigh and grabs a small box from the coffee table, "This is from your Aunt. She'll be here for the party later." he says.

Peter excitedly opens the present and finds a white box reading 'iphone 8'.

"Oh my god! A new phone!" he smiles, taking it out of the box.

"Want me to set it up for you?" asks Tony, tiredly.

"Yeah, thanks!" says Peter, happily handing him the box.

"This one's from me, Jane and the twins." smiles Thor, passing him a wrapped gift.

Peter opens it and finds a game called 'Minecraft'.

"Woah! How did you know I wanted this?" he smiles widely.

"You were talking about it last week." chipped in Jane, rocking the twin's pram back and forth.

"Thank you so much!" he shouts, hugging them both, "Thank you twinsies." he says to the kids in the pram.

"Loki's present is over here." says Shuri, looking at the large box next to her. Peter runs over and tears off the wrapping paper to see a box with a picture of a trampoline on.

"A trampoline!? Holy sh*t!" he yells.

"Hey! Watch your mouth." scolded Steve.

"Thank you so much!" he shouts.

"(Y/n)'s is next to it." adds Loki, trying to hide the smile Peter brought to his face.

He takes off the wrapper and finds the £649.99 Lego Millenium Falcon Star Wars Ship I got him.

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