» Emergency Meeting «

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A Short Side Story

[When they find out that Rachel pushed Bam.]

"Tell me the truth, which one of you suggested to kill Rachel?" Bam asked calmly but you could feel his deadly aura.

"I didn't say we should kill her. I don't even want to waste my energy just by killing her." Anak said. "Maybe Shibisu suggested it."

"What? I didn't say we should kill her. It wasn't me." Shibisi raised his hands in defense. "Maybe Endorsi said it."

"Wha?! I didn't say we should kill her! I only whispered it to (y/n) jokingly!" Endorsi explained. "Maybe the crocodile overheard and took it seriously."

"I didn't say we should kill the turtle. It would be much better if I, the leader, Rak Wraithraiser, volunteer to kill the turtle myself to avenge the black turtle." Rak said.

"Mr. Rak, we're not going to kill Rachel." Bam said. "How about you, Mr. Hatz?"

"I didn't say we should kill Rachel. I suggest we let her go for Bam." Hatz said.

"Well, I disagree with him." Khun spoke up.

"Of course, you do, earrings." Hatz replied.

"I didn't say we should kill her. I suggest we make her go through something more painful than death." Khun said. "How about you, (n/n)?"

"Mr. Khun..." Bam said as he sweatdropped.

"I agree with Khun!" You said giddily. "I didn't say we should kill her."

"What do you mean?" Bam asked.

"I suggest we should kill everyone she cares about slowly and painfully in front of the roach and then make her die a slow painful death." You suggested.

They all looked at you weirdly.

"What?" You asked.

A side story that I really wanted to write. The italics are where you put the emphasis on.

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you enter the world of ToG? But knowing you're weak af because you skipped leg day or something like that. But ngl, I'd die on the first floor if I ever get stuck inside the tower.

Anyways, thank you for reading this side story, lots of love~♥

-Akumu~chan <3

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