Movie night

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"Wah, why are we having movie night at mine why not Kenma's?" The boys walk past me and into my apartment bringing in snacks and some beer.

"Because Kenma wouldn't even let us live the next day and you have a bigger place." Kuro pats my shoulder walking past me, I pout, the guys are already making themselves at home. Sakusa stands to one side, oh yeah he's a germaphobe, I go to the kitchen and take out the cleaning supplies.

"Well if you invite yourself into my home then there is only one thing to do, lets clean." They groan, I glare at all of them.

"If you want to be messy you should've stayed at home, I'm not your mom but I'm still a clean person." I say while kicking Kuro to get up and somehow manage to sneak up on Kenma and take his psp.

"If you want it back then you should help out." He mopes but still gets up anyway.

We get started with tidying the pace up, Sakusa comes up next to me wiping the surfaces after leaving them to soak in the disinfectant spray. He doesn't say anything but rather looks content, I'm then accompanied by Akaashi. He brings in any glasses from the living room, he glances at me and at Sakusa, there's something in the air.

"Cough* Testosterone Cough*. Oh I should help Bokuto out." I hold in the giggles as I make my way out of the kitchen towards Bokuto and Atsumu.

They seem to be in deep conversation about something, I place each of my hand on each of their shoulders. They stop.

"Boys less talking and more cleaning." Bokuto grins while Atsumu frowns.

"Sheesh, do yer know Kita-san or something?" I tilt my head at him in confusion, is that a person?

"Shuddup, get back to cleaning then we can watch a movie." I turn around to see Kenma already done as well as Suna and Osamu, I'm so glad one of the twins know how to cook, Osamu's onigiris are the best. I grin at him, he looks at me slightly confused.

"Oh yeah Kenma, we should totally do a LIVE again, your fans totally loved me." I say sitting beside him, he's still moping as I have yet to return his precious psp.

"Hmm what's this?" Suna pipes up looking past, Osamu and Kenma to see me.

"Oh me and Kenma sometimes stream our gaming online, Kenma is practically internet famous."

"Kenma never lets me do that." Kuro whines.

"Shut up, I'm his favourite."

"No, Hinata is his favourite. You're just his replacement until he comes to college." I don't even deny it, Kenma really speaks highly of this Hinata guy.

"It's true." I die there and then, Osamu, Suna, and Kuro both start laughing their heads off.

"But you're my best friend. Plus Hinata isn't even going to college, he's going to Brazil to play beach volleyball for a couple of years." By this point Bokuto and Atsumu come over.

"OoooOOO are we talking about my disciple?" I raise a brow.

"Did no one hear Kenma calling me his BEST FRIEND?!" I watch as Kuro's soul leaves him.

"No one cares." Suna adds, I scowl at him, he just shrugs.

"I care." I slouch back into the sofa waiting for the others to be done, and they are, Sakusa and Akaashi walk over seemingly satisfied with their work.

"Right, let's get this movie on, sit wherever as long as I'm sat on the sofa I don't care where ya sit." I sigh getting the remote and setting up a good old action movie, neither of the three boys next to me move.

Sakusa sits by himself in the armchair, Akaashi sits with Bokuto and Kuro on the floor. We watch many movies, action, comedy, even horror, It was funny watching Bokuto toss the popcorn into the air when a jumpscare happened.


The calm before the storm

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