~Sakusa Route~

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Never in my life would I think I would have to be cautious of what I touch, how many times to clean myself or when he feels comfortable to be close to me. But I understand now the sacrifices it takes to love someone with Germaphobia.

Sakusa has done so much already to make things work between us, it's like he's become more laxed for me but I can tell when he's exhausting himself to upkeep with my needs also. I never knew the struggle he went through as a child and what his family did to help him cope with such a disorder.

I don't baby him nor do I put him in stressful situations, we compromises to meet in the middle. I actually enjoy cleaning now thanks to Sakusa's influence it's very therapeutic and calming but everytime I watch him do his daily rituals of cleaning I can't help but in awe with him.

"This one smells like cotton candy and it's moisturizing, but this one smells of apple spice and all things nice and look it-" Looking up to see the wondrous gaze of my boyfriend shining down at me.

"What?" He shakes his head and seeing how his cheeks crease upwards I just knows he's smiling behind that black mask of his.

"It's nothing, I think we should go with the cotton candy one, I do like sweets." I raise a brow, doesn't he like sour foods.

"You're favourite food is Umeboshi, which is sour." Furrowing my brows as I place back the creamy pink coloured soap back onto the shelf.

"We should stay festive, it's christmas after all. Oh the baubles, we haven't got any or a tree." Slapping his large arm Sakusa looks down with such a frown his bushy brows convey.

"Go and find a tree, make sure it's as big as me and pick the colourful baubles." Hearing him click his tongue before he nods quickly walking away down the aisles.

Smiling to myself as it will be our 2nd christmas together, last year it was kinda strained especially since we had only got together plus he was also post professional volleyball out from playing in the tournament back in November. That was a rough time many people wanted to talk to me and I had to have the talk with him on why I left.

"I couldn't get anything bigger than 4 feet and all they had was-" Sakusa stops talking placing down the items in the shopping cart before suddenly taking me by the hand drawing me close.

"You looked so beautiful there," He breathes into my ear tightening his hold on my hand. "Just wait to what indecencies that will fall upon you when we get home." Then just like that he takes the handrails of the cart in one hand pulling me along.

What was that just now?

Looking up shocked at the very words that he just spoke to me before a small giggle escaped my lips, biting them I give his hand a gentle squeeze before walking back with him down some more aisles. 


What did ya expect I'm already writing a Sakusa X reader fic I ain't gonna spoil it with a snippet like this one

WIZZKID  (reader x haikyuu) UNIVERSITY AUWhere stories live. Discover now