Chapter 44

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Violet's POV

My whole body was shivering- even though the rain had stopped but I could not stop trembling- maybe it was the sheer thought of what had happened a few moments ago. Of all people, it had to be Reed- the person who broke me way too many times, more than I could count, but why was he always there to envelop me in a sudden wave of sheer affection or perhaps lust. My whole being shook violently, as I noticed my hands turning blue due to the cold. I noticed a red light appear in the dark, I checked my phone which read the time as 10:30 pm, which was quite late considering I was all alone in New York City. To my luck, it was a cab but I still was not assured so I sent my location to my parents, which was a practice I had become accustomed to, because of the fact that I was a girl. A price I had to pay each and every day- maybe if I was a boy then I would never be judged or called "too educated" to be a wife or work oriented. The man in the taxi was old and had a kind smile on his face, "Child, what are you doing out and about this late?" I shrugged, "I was looking for a ride, I couldn't find a taxi." I noticed the person closely, just to make sure that he was not suspicious or had any traits similar to that of a kidnapper. "My shift is over now but I'm sure that there will be a few cabs down the road, be safe and don't trust anybody." I politely smiled, "Sure thing." With that, I aimlessly wandered down the road, looking for any ride but to my dismay, there were empty streets, not even a single car. The thought of being alone in the dark scared me even more but I walked silently, embracing the alluring night sky, luckily, my apartment complex was in view where I could see expensive cars moving around, I continuously rubbed my hands together, hoping to achieve some warmth but there was only the cold air that hugged me tightly. My breath hitched in my throat, more than it should have because of the cold night air; to my dismay, my shawl was just as wet as my body so it didn't provide me any warmth but I still clutched it tightly, unable to let go as my hands felt like stone. I was hurt- I desperately needed solace in any form, I had no expectations from Reed, whatsoever, he didn't even call me back, even though I didn't expect him to either but at least he could have just whispered Violet, but that wouldn't change anything. 

Finally, my apartment complex came into view as I noticed women and men puffing from their cigarettes and wearing bold dresses, preparing for a late night party. I could see Reed's car parked in the driveway, my heart was hammering in my chest. At that moment, all my clothes were dripping wet and my whole body was shivering vehemently, as soon as I was about to enter the apartment complex , Reed's security guards literally swarmed over me, "Ma'am are you sure you're okay, Mr Reed was asking about you?" I waved my hand as if to say everything was okay, "I'm fine, I just need to go inside." With that, I staggered towards the elevator, it was sure that I would have a fever by the morning but hopefully I could get a leave from work the next day, I finally found some warmth as the corridors and elevators were centrally heated but perhaps my clothes had dried off as well. Life- its a perpetual longing for something to happen, something that completes you but then you're afraid if that "thing" may break you, for me it was Reed. Sure we had a bumpy start to our journey but there were moments when I felt that there could be some change in him- when we could work out even though I had never been a relationship but there was this sense of belonging like I had been here before but I was naive. I had gotten myself into a suffering that would last forever, long after this marriage would be over. I would be continuously thinking about where I went wrong, perhaps this marriage could have worked if I hadn't been so reserved but I knew that no matter how hard I would have tried this marriage could have never worked because Reed never wanted it to- he just wanted to toy with my feelings- kiss me and it would mean nothing to him the next morning. I shivered again as I stood in front of my apartment door, it was locked. With all the strength I could muster, I knocked lightly on the door, hoping somebody was home. My vision was too blurry and I desperately needed to lie down. I knocked again and this time I heard feet scuffling towards the door. Reed opened the door, his expression unreadable. This was the final straw, my body shook too violently. A meek whisper escaped my lips, "So cold." Everything went black around me and I could hardly breathe as I grabbed on the door. "Shh, I got you." The last thing I remembered was somebody clutching my shoulders and then it all became a memory. 

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