Iida's Revelation and Destruction

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'izuku and gran torino is seen on a car talking about why they were going to shibuya'

Gt: it's because in shibuya there's always consistent villains in the area of robbers or thugs so that's why we're going there to, see if you improved with your internship

Izuku: oh ok then.. i hope nothing goes wrong..

Gt: ???

Izuku: who am i kidding im in a shonen.. something's gonna happen.. but I'll make sure to stop it..

Gt: who are you talking to kid? Are you crazy or?

Izuku: im just gonna sleep.. wake me up if we're there..

Winter(head): Zzzz

GT: *sweatdrops* kids these days..

-Meanwhile with Stain-
'stain is seen on top of a building looking at the city of hosu.. with his eyes squinted, Because.of disgust'

Stain: i will make sure this environment change and destroys fake villains!

'stain jumped off the building looking for his next target then a portal appeared on where stain previously was'

Shigaraki: Looks like our little vigalante is going on a killing spree.. maybe we can join them huh kurogiri?

Kurogiri: of course..

Shigaraki: tonight everyone is gonna be on their knees bowing on our creation! HAHAHAHAHA!

-with Iida and Manual-
'Iida and manual is seen walking around the city, Iida is blanking out because of his thirst of revenge against stain, and manual noticed this'

Manual: hey listen Tenya-kun..

Iida: ???

Manual: you wann take revenge on the hero killer don't you?

'this question froze Iida internally because, manual found out about his goal'

Iida: h-hai..

Manual: *nods* ok but, its undestandable but, you can't cloud your mind about revenge because it will change your perspective on things that is right, im saying this to you right now because i don't want you to change

Iida: *clenches fist* 'but..' *bows* im sorry i understand!

Manual: *smiles* good. Now lets go continue our patrol

'manual continues to walk towards the people, but Iida was walking but his mind wad clouded with thoughts and things he can't understand'

Iida: 'i know manual is right that, i shouldn't do this but i can't just overthink tensei's retirement all because of him... I need to fight back to show that the my family beat the villain but, its still wrong to take revenge on someone only villains do that.. i.. i .. don't know what to do..'

-Izuku and Gt-
'izuku and gran torino is seen on the train waiting for their stop at shibuya'

Izuku: man.. it's been so long since I've been to a train.. maybe I'll ride it more often

Gt: ?! What does that mean?! You don't use the train when you go to school?!

Izuku: nah.. gt you forgot that i can fly?

Gt: oh right.. so basically your a lazy teenager?

Izuku: hey, almost every teenager is lazy, just don't complain that im not on my edgy faze right now

Gt: oh and why is that?

Izuku: well winter will kill me

Winter(head): you better bet your sorry *** i will

Izuku(head): eep! Gomen gomen mom..

'then they heard someone say an explosion happened which got izuku and gt's attention'

I,Gt: Explosion?!

*Screech* *Explosion* *scream* *hero*
'izuku gets wide eyed by, a creature that destroys part of the train'

Hero: what are you?!

Nomu: *screech*

Izuku: nomu?!

Winter(head): they made more. Of that creature from the usj?!

Gt: stay here kid.. *jumps towards nomu*

Izuku: gran torino!

'gran torino smacks the nomu with his feet of the train, but also dragging himself outside'

Izuku: Gran Torino!

Winter(head): izuku look at the distance!

Izuku: hmm? *Looks at the side* ?!

'the main plaza of the city of hosu, is on fire, without hesitation, izuku jumps off ths train and uses his flight to fly towards the direction, of the fire'

Izuku: whoever is in there hurting, please wait a little bit longer, I'll come save you i promise!

-Meanwhile with Iida and manual-
'manual got a call from a hero that the main plaza was under attack'

Manual: lets go tenya-kun! *Runs towards the plaza*

Iida: hai! *Runs but stops* ?! *Looks at the alley* hmph! *Runs at the alley*

-On top of a tower-
'shigaraki is seen laughing his *** off because of his plan to set the nomu's free on hosu was a plan success'

Shigaraki: you see this kurogiri?! We won! Hahaha! We won!

Kurogiri: I think you need to get a mental doctor shigaraki

'stain is seen pinning a hero on a wall getting ready to kill the hero when suddenly a foot came crashing towards stain'

Iida: GRAA! *Tries to kick stain* let him go!

Stain: *dodged* Tsk! *Hits Iida*

Iida: Gah! *Falls on the ground* bastard.. w-wait.. those clothes a blade your hero killer stain aren't you?

Stain: yeah so?

Iida: i Tenya Iida will defeat yo- ?!

Stain: *points blade on his kneck* let's see if you can.. lets dance fake hero..

-jayden out

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