Ambushed and Aftermath

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(Nomu1 is the middle one, Nomu2 is the flying one, Nomu3 is the buff one)

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(Nomu1 is the middle one, Nomu2 is the flying one, Nomu3 is the buff one)

Nomu1: Graa! *Launches himself towards izuku*

'izuku just side stepped, and attacked the nomu with his claws, slicing the nomu in MULTIPLE pieces'

Iida: woah!

Hero: Nice kid!

Nomu2: Graa!

'the flying nomu, started to barrage izuku on the ground with his advantage, or so do the nomu think because, izuku used flight to fight the nomu in the air'

Endeavor: Kids!

'endeavor is seen, pulling up into the fight with shoto, gran torino and manual'

Iida: Todoroki!

Todoroki: Iida.. *looks up* midoriya..

Iida: endeavor sir! The hero killer is behind me sir!, Midoriya-kun took care of it..

Gt: oi! Kid what the heck are you doing up there?

Izuku: im fighting *dodged* a nomu.. *dodged* oh btw endeavor finish of that nomu off for me thanks..

Endeavor: huh? What no- *gets punched in the face*

Nomu3: *screech*

'shoto made an ice wall to gather time and make a plan'

Shoto: okay.. I have a plan..Iida use your recipro burst to get us far away from here, dad can take care of the rest

Iida: *nods* hai!

Shoto: okay move!

'meanwhile with izuku, izuku is seen slicing off the wing of the nomu'

Nomu: *screams in pain*

Izuku: sayonara.. *Fires blast at nomu*

'the nomu disentigrated.. into nothing but dust, after that izuku flies back to the ground to see, endeavor fighting the nomu and the rest just hiding on the corner'

Izuku: ...

-Meanwhile with endeavor-
'endeavor is seen fighting the nomu, which he won, he grabbed the nomu's head and started to blast the hottest fire on his system, making the flames color turn to blue'

Endeavor: i-i did it..

Izuku: you sure did.. now im gonna go home and slee-

Stain: Graa! *Tries to slice izuku*

Izuku: *dodged* hmm..

Everyone: stain?!

Stain: I won't lose to anyone of you! People need to know what it means to be a true he-

Izuku: TAIL SWIPE! *Knocks stain unconsious again*

Everyone: ?!

Izuku: next time, put him quicker on the truck would you guys? *To the police*

Police: *nods* h-hai.. gomen..

Izuku: good.. now if you'll excuse me i need to sleep..

Iida: but what about your injuries?!

Izuku: *shows shoulder* I'm fine.. it already healed o and manual?

Manual: h-hai?

Izuku: teach Iida, what's the true meaning of becoming a hero, Because he clearly doesn't.. *flies away*

'izuku just leaves them and flies back to the house, to sleep and relax, but when he was flying he was getting a call from a certain, black haired girl'

Winter(head): oooh~ she's calling you..

Izuku: *smiles* looks like it.. time to pick up.. *picks up* hello?

Yui(call): hello? Izuku? Are you ok? You were on tv right now.. endeavor is praising you, defeating the hero killer..

Izuku: o-oh that's goo- WAIT WHAT?!

Yui(call): yeah your on tv your gonna be famous! But first..WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT GETTING YOURSELF INTO THIS SITUATIONS?!

Winter(head): ooh.. she mad..

Izuku: s-sorry yui.. i promise I won't do it again..

Yui(call): hmph! Okay.. but you owe me!

Izuku: anything! Just say it..

Yui(call): anything you say~ hmm..

Izuku: u-uhh..

Winter(head): anything huh? Rawr..

Izuku(head): winter shut it!

Yui(call): okay.. after all of this internship is over take me on a date!

Izuku: o-ok..

Winter(head): ooh~ wonder what'll happen when it gets dark, if you know what i mean~

Izuku(head): winter stop! Your making the readers uncomfortable!

Yui(call): great! See you after Love you! *Hangs up*

Izuku: love you too.. *sigh* im famous and i have to take my gf in a date.. this gonna be a disaster..

God: oh I'll make sure of it..

Izuku: please don't..

Winter(head): HAHAHAHAHA!

-jayden out

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