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Lex's Pov

My face hurts.

Fred picks me up and tucks me under his arm. "Nice going George", Fred says. George gives me a small smile before dragging Draco out of the room. He shuts the door and spells it so Draco cant get in.

"Thank you", I tell them both. "I take it you guys are over?" George says. "Yeah", I tell him.

George dragged the unconscious Draco back to his dorm. They walked me to my dorm and told me to ready. "We're taking you out", they said. I put on some leggings and a sweater. I wore my hair down so I'd hide the bruises on my neck. I couldnt hide the bruise on my face so I left it.

Draco's Pov

Those idiots. As soon as I could move again I went to their dorm. Surprise, they weren't there. I banged my fist on pansy's door. "WERE HANGING OUT TODAY" I yelled through the wall. She opened the door and I grabbed her hand.

We climbed into the tree and I saw Potter. "I don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in the tournament!" I yelled at him with a smirk. I didn't catch all he said, because as soon as fathers name found it's way in his mouth I tried to use a spell. Then, I briefly realized that moody turned me into a small animal.

George and Fred walked out of the side of the castle with Lex and started laughing. She looked around and laughed at me when she saw me bobbing up and down in the air. Cedric looked at her and smiled. Her face turned a little red and she waved. As soon as Mcgonaggall turned me back, I tried to catch Lex but those stupid twins rushed her away. I glared at Diggory, who looked smug.

Cedric's Pov

I chased after Lex. "Lex!" I called to her back. She turned around. "I heard about you and Malfoy", I said. "I'm sorry", I told her.

She shrugged. "We broke up. It needed to happen". I felt hope flickered in my heart. "Lex, do you wanna go out sometime?" I asked her. She looked hesitant. "Not right away of course", I rushed out. "I just thought maybe we go as friends and get to know each other or something-" she interrupted me.

"I'd love to cedric". I smiled at her crookedly. "Cool, cool", I said as I backed up. "Tomorrow?" I asked. She nodded, still smiling.

Lex's Pov

"Diggory?" Fred asked incredulously. George elbowed him. "That's great, Lex. He's way nicer than Malfoy". I tried to hide the smile on my face. "Diggory!" Fred yelled to him. Cedric turned around.

"Do you wanna take her out now?" George asked.

Cedric looked flustered. "Sure" he said before walking back over. "Well, we'll see you two later", they said. Cedric turned to grab my hand but then decided against it. I gently put my hand in his, and electricity jolted through me. He grinned. "How about some butterbeers?" He said.

Cedric's Pov

She's amazing. The way her eyes light up when she talks about things she likes, the way her dimples show when she smiles, the way she tucks her hair behind her ear. She's perfect. Damn, Malfoy messed up his chance.

We're walking back to the castle when i someone pushes me from behind. I turn around to see Malfoy staring daggers right at Lex. "I always knew you were a whore", he sneered at her. Her face twisted into a pained expression. "I always knew you were a dick, Malfoy", she shot back.

"Your friends taught you how to fight back now did they?" He laughed. I grabbed her hand and pulled her away. "Let's get away from this asshole", I said , loud enough for him to hear. "Why don't you let her decide who she wants", Malfoy said as he grabbed her other arm. When he let go, I could see the bruise on her wrist that she tried to hide. She quickly pulled the sleeve back down. Oh hell no.

Lex's Pov

Cedric let go of my hand and hit Draco in the other side of his face. I laughed at the misfortunes of today for him. He fell to the ground, holding his bleeding nose. "Now we can go", Cedric said happily.

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