Weclome to the tribe

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*Lucas point view*



'You must kill Luca!'


'Yes! We have Zeledris within our grasp!'


The monstrous sound I hear again that I created gets louder.

Shut up



I wake up gasping for from the suffocation these nightmare. It took a while for me to realize my room was mess. And when I mean mess, I mean my stuff look like they were hit by magic. I'm glad Isaac wasn't here. Or he would've asked what was going on.

I changed into some clothes and headed to the guild to have breakfast with the others. When I enter inside, there was scent that I recognize.

"Jona?" I said to the brunette person who was surrounded by my friends.
"Luca! It's chief Hibiki, he said he wanted to you to come to the tribe." He said serious.
"Is there something wrong?" I asked worried.

"I'm not sure, he just informed me to lead you and your guild to the tribe." He said which surprised me and the others.
"Why would he want us to go to the tribe? Isn't it where your hiding?" Lucy asked.

Echo and Melody mentioned how Father Hibiki wanted to build a relationship with humans. Since I defeated Fox Greed, he wanted to make changes. He believes not every human is evil witnessing the grand games.

"If it's the request from the chief of the demon tribe, then I say we go there." Gramps said.

It made me excited to show where me and the girls grew up before you know what happen. Everyone felt the same as they decided to party around.

"Are they always like this?" Jona asked.
"Yeah." Me and the girls said.

*Third point view*

Fairy Tail were ready to head to the Hibiki tribe, it took a while to get there meaning they had a vehicle to get there; meaning it didn't end well for some people who have motion sickness. They knew they were getting close by seeing the buildings. It was amazing seeing the buildings near the forest upon the mountains.

"This is where you grew up?" Lucy asked.
"No, this is a little small to where we grew up." Melody said.
"A LITTLE?!" They said.

They got to the entrance where there were many guards near the building. When they notice the Luca and the girls, the guards bowed at them.

"We are glad you've return mistress and lord Luca." They said which made them surprised.
"YOUR AN ACTUALLY PRINCE!?" Lucy and Wendy said.
"No- I mean- ah! Guys we talked about this. You don't have to be so formal with me." Luca said all embarrassed.
"Our apologizes."

They let the guild in, as they enter the village were cheering at them. Flowers, confetti, and candy were being thrown around them.

"Our prince defeated Fox Greed!"
"Thank you Fairy Tail for taking care of him!"
"Thank you for protecting the daughters!"
"We're safe!"

The villagers kept giving their compliments to the guild, they were amazed to see the people. As they kept walking towards headquarters, they notice Father Hibiki was by the entrance.

"Fairy Tail! I welcome you to our tribe!"
"Excuse me sir. I don't mean to be rude but why is it that you wanted to see us?" Erza asked him.
"To invite you to our celebration, to thank Fairy Tail for protecting our children." Said a man who's hair is similar to Father Hibiki but has black hair.

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