Secret Admirer - Anakin (Fluff)

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Your POV

  It's everyday. Everyday I get back from a mission or the training room, I'm met with a f/c rose at my door. I would pick it up and smell it and the smell would fill my heart with joy. I had a secret admirer.

The day it started, I had been training with Obi-Wan and Anakin Skywalker was watching. I had more tricks up my sleeve than Obi-Wan had and Anakin wanted to pick up on some of them.

He watched me intently. Sometimes, I could swear he was only watching my face, not my movements.

After that, I went to catch up with Kit Fisto, my old master that I hadn't seen much since becoming a Jedi Knight. Anakin was lucky, his master could stay around more.

Then there I was walking back;

My feet moved across the wooden floor, only the satisfying sounds of boots hitting the ground could be hear. The sounds echoed off the empty halls. I was the only one reporting to my quarters late after Jocasta Nu had me lock up the archives for the night. She had been diagnosed with a horrible cold.

Then I stopped at my door, looking down at the beautiful f/c rose. I picked it up, my fingers avoiding the sharp thorns. It was oddly more beautiful than any other rose I had seen in my life. We had a garden connected to the Jedi Temple, but I never visited it. I didn't even know they grew flowers.

I smiled warmly and walked inside my quarters, getting a vase and filling it with water before setting the beautiful flower inside and placing it on a round table that sat in my small kitchen.

I got in my night robes and laid down, closing my eyes and falling asleep.

  But here I am today, 7 flowers in a vase on my "dining room" table. It's been a week of getting these flowers every night. But, finally, Jocasta Nu was feeling better and I didn't need to stay late to lock up the jedi archives.

  I was walking through the same halls I always do. I was being as quiet as I could. My feet were barely heard by anything. I was the only one walking down these halls now after watching one of the last people walk into their rooms.

  But, that left me and Anakin Skywalker, though he didn't seem to know I was there. He reached under his jedi robes and pulled out a f/c rose, dropping it by my door and continuing to walk down the hall.

  "Hey! Wait Skywalker!" I said urgently. His feet stopped moving and his head looked back, a blush spread across his face.

  I ran over to the door to my quarters and he walked towards me, standing in front of me. I picked up the rose and smelled it.

"You have some explaining to do."

  I opened the door and grabbed his hand, pulling him inside.

  He stood at my door as I walked over to the vase that held the roses, each more beautiful than any batch of roses I had ever seen. I slipped the recent one in and smiled to myself.

  I turned back around and looked at Anakin. Walking back over to him, I held up my arms and wrapped them around his neck when I got close enough. He held my waist with a smile and looked down at me.

  "Why have you been dropping roses at my door ever since I've met you?" I asked, smirking and tilting my head a bit.

  "They almost match your beauty, I thought you'd love them more than I did."

  "So you're my secret admirer," I said, his face inching closer to mine. We were now sharing air, our noses touching.

  "I have a feeling you and I both wish I was more than just your secret admirer," he replied, his lips trapping mine in a long, passionate kiss.

  When we pulled away, our shared breaths were heavy. His eyes were half lidded and he bit his lip.

  "You have no idea how much I've dreamt about this moment. Don't make it stop," he requested, locking his lips with mine again, kissing me like there was no tomorrow. And I didn't waste a second to kiss back.

(GUY!! I got 100 views! I shouldn't be this excited but, guess what, I am! The reason I've been posting slowly is a secret, well, the secret is that I'm working on another book but you guys are oblivious to who it is for and what it is about. Still, thank you for that many views, it means the world to me :) ).

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