Twenty Three

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Draco's POV

I spot potter walking out of the great hall instantly and start following him, he turns into the bathrooms.

"I know you're following me Malfoy" he says staring at me as I enter the room.

"what? i'm using the bathroom." I roll my eyes and push into a stall.

I stand in there for a few minutes until I hear his footsteps coming towards the stall, he's leaning on the door now.

"how is being a death eater?" he asks hesitantly.

"death eater? what are you going on about" I clear my voice.

"Don't play dumb, your parents work for Voldemort. Of course your a death eater as well." He says agitated.

"yea ok sure" I laugh.

"and.. knowing that you and Ari are well.. together and she went to your house that must mean, well.. she's one also or at least became one." He starts walking back and forth in front of the stall.

"she is not a death eater" I lie.

"oh really? then why did i see a death mark on her arm yesterday." he leans against the stall once again.

I kick the stall open hitting him on the head and causing him to fall on the floor.

"It was a tattoo not a mark." I point my wand at him.

"I doubt that, tell me the truth and I won't say anything." he stands up on his feet.

"...i didn't mean for her to become one, she came over knowing the dark lord was after her. Therefore he made her join us." my eyes fall to the floor.

"i knew it.. i'm sorry i have to go!" potter starts running towards the door.

"stupefy!" I yell causing him to fling back into the wall.

It feels like hours until he starts to move again as he grunts in pain.

"You have heard to much." I raise my wand.

"Malfoy no!" He yells raising his hands in front of him.

"Avada kedavr-" I get cut off by Ari.

Ari's POV

I run into the boys bathroom after hearing screaming to see draco pointing his wand at harry and almost saying the line he's not supposed to.

"No! Don't!" I scream jumping in front of harry.

"please..." Tears start streaming down my face.

"Ari move" Draco insists.

"no.. I can't, i won't let you do this." I yell.

"Ari, we have to." he puts his wand down to his waist.

"no we don't, we don't have to do this. We can run away. We can flee!" I fling my arms to the door.

"no we can't.. he will find us, we have to do as he asks." Draco wipes his forehead.

"no no no i can't hurt my friends draco, i can't." I drop to the floor crying.

"Ari..?" Harry slides up towards me as draco keeps his eyes on him.

"what are you talking about..." He takes his hand and places it in mine, I jump at the touch.

"we have to bring you and the others to the dark lord.. or else he will kill me." I start to have a hard time breathing.

"breathe Ari." Draco says in a calming voice in front of us.

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