Part 53: In front of My Eyes, You are Beautiful

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Tharn POV


A moment after Type left condo earlier.

I just opened my eyes, then I realized that he has been gone.

I tried to calm myself down, not to be controlled by my emotion. I took deep breathes, trying my best not to ruin my morning.

I walked to the bathroom, I didn't find him. I found a towel has been prepared, including a new tooth brush. Curved with my name.

Khun P, asshole.

It's rude, but I couldn't hold myself. I smiled.

So that, I finished my business in bathroom.

I walked to dining room. I got a pasta, complete with a note.

"Prepared with super big love"

I couldn't hold from laughing anymore as that rude boy became so lovely.

"Warm it up before breakfast, don't complain for menu", he made another note.

For sure I wouldn't.

I put in in the microwave, I set the timer.

Finally, it was ready. But, suddenly, I got a message.

I tried to ignore it, but, I got next two messages in a row. So that, I left the dining room to pick my phone. I checked for message.

"Breakfast with your boy", Tum sent me message.

My eyes widened.

"I told you when you don't know", he told me. "He is not as good as you imagined"

Then, I made a call for Type. But, after a few moments, he didn't pick my cal.

I made another call, but I got the same result.

At that morning, I got swing mood. It was like a roller coaster. In sudden, I became so happy. But, finally, I was so disappointed.

Tum sent me a picture, he got a breakfast with Type. But, I failed to make a call with him.

I left that breakfast, I didn't have appetite anymore. I decided to go to campus earlier.


I arrived in the class.

It has been a bit crowded. I took my seat, then Lhong approached me.

"He got a punch", Lhong told me while he was busy to get a seat.

I just looked at him.

"A big punch", he told me again.

I didn't know what he was talking about. I didn't want to ask him.

"Are you okay?", he asked me.


"I told you he got a punch"

I gave him a flat gaze.

"Tum got a punch exactly on his face"

Something triggered in my mind.

"Who did that?", I became so curious.

Lhong just shook his head. He didn't know about that.

TharnType The Series - My Flower BoyWhere stories live. Discover now