I Married A Raving Lunatic

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Hi, so i'll be honest. I had no intention of writing again. I fell out of love with it and harry potter in general but for some reason i just picked up my phone again, logged back in and started writing again.
If you are still here, i appreciate the fuck out of you thank you for sticking with me for so long.

So, as a little ease back, here's some funny fluff that will give you a better insight on my voldemort character.

There's so many things she loves about the man.

His eyes for one. The deep red intrigues her more so than the bright blue He was born with. The magic that made them runs through her veins as a result of the union and pride swells in her chest whenever His gaze locks onto hers.

It warms her heart to know that she sees Him differently than how everyone else does. That He allows that side of Him to be seen by her. That no one else hears / sees Him ranting like a nut in the middle of the night in complete darkness about whatever annoyed Him that day. He's stark raving mad but you'll have to fight a good fight to take those midnight rants away from her.

She adores the fact that she's the only one who'll ever know that He'll sleep on his back and pull her to lie on top of His chest, practically on top of Him all together. That the only way He can sleep peacefully is if He can feel her near to Him.

She loves that no one will ever know of these things.

But that she does.

Most of all, she loves Him.

But holy FUCK is He the most annoying man she's ever met.

Bellatrix Black (She didn't change her name. There was no reason. She just didn't.) stared at her new husband from her stance in the door way to the lounge room as he dangled upside down off the dark couch. 'Why?' She asked, finally finding her voice after minutes of trying to get her head around of the sight. Voldemort lifted his head up slightly and smiled as he gazed at her upside down. He flopped back down with an over exaggerated sigh.

"Bored" He sniffed. "Thinking."

"What about?" Bella asked, stepping into the room with an arched eyebrow and folded arms.

"Darth Vader would be scarier if he squeezed balls instead of throats"

Bella turned swiftly on her heel and practically flew out the door with another word. Voldemort moved quickly to try and chase after her but fumbled and ended up slipping off the couch. Bella hated when he talked about Muggle Films and it annoyed the absolute living daylights out of her. So he did it. Constantly. It also helped that he can make inappropriate statements whilst doing so. He laughed from his place on the floor and scrambled up to find her. Voldemort didn't move very far, for Bellatrix's retreating figure disappeared down the corridor and entered the double doors at the end into the library. Before the door shut, she turned and glanced at him grinning dopily in the middle of the hallway and shook her head slightly. He followed her swiftly.

"Do I annoy you?" He asked, laughter threatening to break out of his throat, when he entered the room. Bella summoned some novel from the back of the library without removing her gaze from him and sat by the fireplace in her designated chair.

She rolled her eyes as the fire erupted into a soft orange glow. It was the late summer so the fire was merely for the light rather than warmth. 'You're an idiot' She enunciated.

He mock-pouted and took the other chair. "But I'm your idiot" Voldemort emphasised. He threw his left hand up. "Forever!" He grinned and shook the massive ring.

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