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A/N: Oops, forgot I should post 😳. Literally only wrote a few lines yesterday and finished it off today.

Anyways, I was having a debate with my friend. Yall are clearly Supergirl fans so this is probably gonna be biased. We were debating whether Scarlett Witch or Supergirl would win in a fight. Not necessarily kill each other but win in a fight. We eventually came to a conclusion and I won that debate but I'm curious as to what you guys think.

"Oh... well... that's...." Barry began, the shock making him struggle to find the right words.

"I knew it. You're mad."

"Why would I be mad?"

"I didn't tell you? I don't know..."

"Liz, the only reason I'd be mad is because you didn't trust me enough to come to me about it and even then, I'm mad at myself for making you think you couldn't trust me with it." Barry said.

"Oh my god, no! It... it's not that Barry... I just-"

"Lizzie, I think it's amazing you have powers. It only adds to how unique you are. The only thing I can say is it depends on how you use it. Whether you use it or not doesn't matter to me. As long as you don't use it with bad intentions."


"What did you do..."

"Nothing! Just... remember when you came to save me... there was shattered glass everywhere?"


"That was my fault... I... I didn't mean to it's just she... she was pissing me off and then my powers, they just... I don't know... happened and that's when I found out I had powers and-"

"Wait, who?" Barry asked


"She's dead? She's gone?"

"Well... not exactly. She can somehow take over other peoples bodies. I don't know how... her powers have no links towards each other. She was controlling an innocent and... I killed an innocent human... I turned her into glass and it shattered..." Lizzie said, tears dropping down her face as the guilt was getting to her.

"Oh... well Lizzie... I... if you want an honest opinion, I can't say that it isn't your fault. Because it is. But everyone makes mistakes and I understand. You didn't mean to do it. I killed Cisco's brother and I felt terrible. He hated me for it. I didn't realise at the time what the consequences of my actions would be. One of them was the death of Cisco's brother. With time though... he forgave me. It's the intentions behind your actions that matter." Barry said, wrapping his arms around her in a hug.

"So... you don't hate me?" Lizzie asked.

"I could never." Barry answered, wiping the tears off her face with his thumb before standing up and holding his hand out.

"Now come on." He said as Lizzie looked at his hand strangely.

"Where are we going?"

"To the DEO. I think Alex has some words she wants to say to you and she's really worried. And then? We can try figure out how to use your powers so you control them instead of the other way around." Barry smiled. Lizzie slowly took his hand as he helped her up. The two walked towards the door.

"Oh hang on." Barry said, running to a hardware shop to get items before running back and quickly fixing the door.

"Now lets go."

"Didn't know you were a handyman."

"I've fixed a few things before." Barry said as they walked out of the door, Lizzie locking it with her key.

Promise to always be there <3 (Superflash love story)Where stories live. Discover now