Chapter 4

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So this is Chapter 4 guys!! I hope you like it! I'll start working on chapter 5 this week and have it up by wednesday, like usual. Let me know what you think!! xx -Chloe


I woke up in the morning feeling as groggy as ever. Louis had prepared breakfast but for the first time I wasn’t hungry. It was what? Nine AM… far too early.

“You alright there Harry?” Asked Louis as he poured some orange juice.

I nodded. But I just wasn’t in the mood for anything today. Except maybe one thing… Tiffani. She got me so angry yesterday. I tried remembering if I had ever gotten that upset with a girl before, I couldn’t think of a time. At first I thought I could handle a challenge. That eventually she would cave in and let me take her out… but she wouldn’t. She wouldn’t even let me hold her hand or touch her. That’s what got on my nerves the most. Every girl I had met before would have gone crazy if I had just simply touched their back or their waist. But she just got more and more upset. She was beautiful and it wasn’t fair that she didn’t want me back.

My plan to go to her boutique and ask her out went way worse than I had even imagined. I remember looking at her face when she was angry, and it wasn’t like the other times when she got angry that looked hot. But it was a face that looked like pure hatred. I never wanted to see that face again. It made me sad… to think that people out there really don’t like me and don’t care if I’m famous.

I shook my head and went to get changed. Once I was ready, Louis and I headed to the car and drove to the studio. As usual there was a tsunami of reporters waiting outside. Normally we talk to only a few that are inside and that’s what we did.

I wasn’t really paying too much attention to the boys until they all looked at me.

“Huh?” I asked with a blank expression. The reported chuckled.

“Theres been some rumors about you Harry, m’lad.” The reporter said. Which didn’t surprise me. I think out of all the boys I’m the one that gets the most gossip. It’s nice to know people want to know about my life, but it gets to a point where they get into too much of my life I don’t feel likes its mine anymore.

“Is there any special someone in your life at the moment?” He asked raising his eyebrows. I looked at Louis who was waiting for my answer along with the others. I decided to say the safe thing.

“I think, but it’s kind of complicated.” I said. I didn’t want to say I didn’t like anybody. Because that was lying and if I knew one thing about the media, it was if you lied to them, they would seek you out until they find the truth then bury you in it.

The rest of the reporters started mumbling, probably thinking “Oh what a great headline! ‘Harry Styles’ New Love.’” Great.

“Oh really?” The reporter asked incredulously. “And does this certain someone have a name?”

I felt everyone’s eyes on me. “Umm.” I didn’t know how to answer. “Yeah but I’d rather not share it yet.”

I heard a loud “Aww” come from the swamp of reporters. Our manager Paul, started directing us into the building.

I knew what the boys and everyone was probably thinking right now. Who is this girl I like? And more importantly… why didn’t I tell them? Two questions I was not looking forward to answering.


“So then I was all ‘girl do you know who I am? I aint got time for that!’ Ya, know? Trying to get her to back off? But no, this girl was just comin at me like,” I was sitting in the back room on my lunch shift with Monique who would not stop talking about some tacky costumer that pissed her off.

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