▪︎Let It Continue▪︎

514 26 15

After having a quick call with Emi in the corner, I went to get ready with the others that are already at the gym. It was hard for me to warm up since that playboy kept staring at me. Sheesh, what a pervert. I was so uncomfortable that my movements were rusty like a robot's. Sugawara noticed and made an uneasy look. Help mom. Theres a pervert staring at my butt!

"I think you need this more" He made me stop whatever I was doing and started giving me head pats. I close my eyes as I made a satisfied smile. Yeah you may be right.

"Those are so awesome!" Hinata's voice caught my attention. I look over to find him talking to Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. What's so awesome?

"Your new glasses look so cool, Tsukishima!" Hinata said but Tsukishima just stare at him, almost like he finds his compliments annoying.

"You've been saying that nearly every day, Hinata" Yamaguchi smiled while holding a ball. Oh right, forgot to say that we will be doing the serve first.

"Having you say they're cool shakes my self-confidence, so I wish you'd stop" Tsukishima casually said.

"What'd you say?!" Hinata was easily irritated by what Tsukishima said.

I watch as Tsukishima stare at his glasses. I was lost in my head that I didn't notice a wild Nishinoya in front of me. When I turned around and made eye contact with him, my entire body jumped in surprise. Why was he so close?! I tried walking away but he caught me by wrapping his arm around my waist. What. Do. You. Want? I was making struggling noises that made Nishinoya laugh.

"Your cheeks are pink. Did I make you flustered?" Nishinoya continue laughing. I smile in embarrassment, if you knew I was a girl, you wouldn't be the one laughing right now.

Enough playing around. Let's get to the important part. Once the referee blew the whistle, I quickly went to line up with the others that have their brave faces on, I took a deep breath as I try to encourage myself. I was doing so well until I locked eyes with that playboy, he smirk at me and it made me angry. Do I look like someone for him to toy with? Hinata and Kageyama noticed and their expressions hardened.

The crowd cheered loudly for Johzenji while we all went to huddle around coach and Sensei. Deep breaths Y/N...You wouldn't want to cause a fight in the middle of a tournament...I felt much more better when Tanaka wrapped his arm across my shoulder. I happily smile and look at coach like Tanaka is doing right now. Gosh it feels much more better when I have his support. His a like a big brother to me.

"We're finally at the qualifiers. Our first opponent was a semifinalist at the Inter-High prelims. We've got our work cut out for us. You better go all out on that first one, Azumane! Karasuno, fight!" Coach said. Wow I feel so pressured. No! I shake all the bad thoughts out of my head. No pressure. None at all.

"Yeah!" We all said before heading to the court.

Okay we can do this, let's just play this safe and very carefully. We all got to positions when the match started. Asahi did a jump serve and the ball went over the net but their #7 received it, then their Libero passed it to that playboy. I growl when he gave me a wink before chasing down the ball. Disgusting...I was so angry that I wasn't paying attention to what he was doing. He jumped and swiftly sent the ball flying to our side of the court, it hit the ground before any of us could react. Did that...just happened?

"Yahoo!" He happily jump to celebrate. I sigh with a frown. I got too distracted by my anger that I forgot what I was supposed to do.

"A hit like that from the end line? Not to mention, while he was turning around?" Tanaka said looking at the ball that was rolling to a stop.

🌸 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐮𝐩 🌸 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮𝐱𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now