Riddle me this!

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~Chapter 17~

"Where is Riddler he was supposed to be here an hour ago!"  I yelled at John as some tutting came from behind me.

 "What did I tell you about patience?" I heard as I turned around. He was here. Riddler was standing by the door frame leaning on his staff.

"I must say it's good to see you again doctor." He said as he started walking towards me.

"Can we skip the greetings Nigma, I really need your help." I sighed.

"Alright alright! Have a seat Striker." He said walking over to the couch stressing my name.

"Okay what's your plan?" I sighed as I sat down next to him.

"What's with the hurry? First! Riddle me this!" He started. Oh boy, I decided not to stop him, I knew there was no use to do that. I've spent a good two years analyzing this guy. He was one of my first patients, I knew him like the back of my hand.

"You can only keep me once you've given me away, what am I?" He askes moving his face closer.

"A promise.." I said after going through what he said again.

"Correct. That was an easy one." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Are you gonna help me now?" I asked and he smirked.

"Uptown, north of west Chelsea hill, by the river." He spoke.

" So what's your plan ?" I questioned him.

"Well you tell lil Johnny here to go fetch some men and I'll take us there, then mine and Joker's men will do the rest." He shrugged like it was so simple.

I raised and eyebrow at him and he smiled, "Relax Eva, plus I have my trust staff." He says twirling it around before smirking to himself. I knew what it could do, it had power over people's minds.

I looked over at John and gave him a nod and he went to gather the men.

"So, how have you been?" I awkwardly asked trying to avoid the silence.

"Oh quiet dandy, would you like to answer another riddle?" He said and I nodded.

"What has four eyes, but cannot see?" He asked.

I thought about it for a few seconds, but I couldn't find the answer. 

"You give up?" He asked and I shrugged in defeat.

"2 people in love." He smiled.

"Oh, I wouldn't have figured it out." I said.

"Well in your case it's two eyes." He mumbled.

"What are you whispering?" I asked him.

"Nothing." He looked at me and I glared at him.

"Nothing just don't say I didn't warn ya." He said looking the other way.

I was about to question him when John came in. He said he had gathered the men and they went outside. We split up to two cars, A white van took the men and the Riddler's van which had Riddler, John, and myself. Also the van was a painful colour of green.

I grabbed a gun which I had found in Harley's closet and an American stick and headed outside. As I went in I heard Riddler speaking to John.

"Feed me and I'll live yet, give me a drink and I'll die, and I am not repeating it again." I  heard Riddler grow frustrated. I opened the passenger's door and the voice got clearer.

"For the last time man I have no idea what you're talking-" I heard John complain and I cut him off.

"Fire." I said attaching my seat belt and Riddler's head snapped towards me.

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