Chapter Six (Revised)

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Ciara POV is different!! For some reason I wasn't feeling the other way 🤷🏾‍♀️

Excuse the mistakes!!

"I just know when he catches Trevor it's over for him Ciara" Ailani told them as she drove to the building where they were doing their photoshoot. "His eyes were dark like something came over him, I never seen that before"

"Trevor going around talking mad shit about him, like mad shit calling Zyair a bum cause he stayed with him, how his moms kicked him out, how he can steal you from him-"

"See now he doing too much he know damn well my ass is not leaving Zyair for him" Ailani said cutting her off. "Eww never, Trevor is not even my type"

"He's cute but his personality and attitude sucks" Ciara stated.

"He tries to be something he's not, when Zy moved here he tried to talk like he was from New York at one point"


"For real" she agreed shaking her head. "He's always been corny anyway". As she continued to drive through the city of Detroit, she glanced over at her best friend noticing how quiet she was. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good why?"

She shrugged her shoulder, "Just wondering, you've been quiet"

"Girl I'm nervous as fuck about this photoshoot" she giggled.

"Me too, I'm hoping this guy isn't a creep"

"I checked his Instagram page and Facebook and his work is mad nice"

"Yeah I was looking last night" She said looking at the GPS screen seeing that they were at their destination. She looked out the window and up at the hotel. "I think this is the place" she parked her car and killed the engine. "You ready?"

"No" Ciara laughed. "But fuck it we already here, let do this" They both grabbed their belongings and stepped out. Ailani locked up her car from her key fob and walked up to the hotel opening the door. "Ooh this place is nice, he did his thing booking here" she said making Ailani laugh lightly.

"You are crazy but it is nice in here, look they got a bar over there" she said admiring the lobby. After riding the elevator up to the third floor, they found the room and knocked. A few seconds later, Carson opened the door with a smile on his face.

"Hey, thank you ladies for coming" he greeted inviting them inside the king suite he booked for the photoshoot. They took a look around and seen that he set everything up professionally. "I loved the idea of the shoot and this is actually my first time doing something like this so I don't want to make any of you ladies uncomfortable"

"It's okay" Ciara smiled.

"Perfect, um if you want to get changed, go ahead in the bathroom and we can start" he told them, grabbing his camera.

Ailani looked at Ciara and smiled, "You ready?"

"Yeah let's do this, I'm actually real excited now" Ciara answered as they made their way into the bathroom.

"I'm glad you decided to do our makeup before we came cause just imagine how long it took him to set everything up"

"I told you, you talking about let do it when we get there that poor man probably took an hour to set up and stuff"

Carson shook his head and chuckled lightly to his self knowing it only took thirty minutes to set up. He met no harm with this photoshoot. He really was an up and coming photographer trying to make it in Detroit.

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