Chapter 46

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"Hey, we thought you weren't showing up," Pansy said, ushering the group over to their table. "Have you forgotten about Harry? I don't think I've ever known him to be on time." Harry glared at Draco. "Ha ha. Hilarious." He said in a sarcastic tone. "How dare you use sarcasm against me," Draco said pulling Harry close. "I still love you though." He kissed Harry on the cheek. "Enough," Blaise grunted. "I don't want to throw up." Everyone took their seats at the table.

"Fancy a drink?" The waiter asked. The friends all placed their orders and Hermione was the first one to speak up. "So Draco and I planned this because we both have some things we'd like to share. I think Ron and I will go first. We're engaged!" She squealed. Pansy squealed too. "Mione that's FANTASTIC! I love weddings." Draco laughed. "We know Pansy, congrats again guys." Harry frowned. "You knew before me?" Draco rolled his eyes. "I ran into Ron while he was ring shopping." Harry sighed. "Oh well. That's ok then I guess. I'm so happy for you guys! My two best friends getting married. It's awesome. Wait. Ring shopping? What were you doing ring shopping?" Harry turned to face Draco. Draco pulled out a ring box. "Oh Dray, you shouldn't have." Draco sighed. "Bugger off Pansy, it's not for you." Pansy frowned. "But what about my inner niffler?" She whined. "What about it? This is for my husband, thank you very much."

Harry's eyes widened. "Another ring? I already have Sirius's ring, my engagement ring and my wedding ring. How'd you know I wanted another one?" Draco flipped open the ring box. "You're my husband, that's my job. Anyways, this ring is really special. When I was a child I drew a ring exactly like this one in my diary. I didn't have the diary yet so I showed the ring maker my memory of it and he made it custom for you. When I drew it, I was thinking about how one day I would give it to you." Harry slipped on a silver band ring with runes engraved in it. "I love it. What does it say?" He asked. "Love of my life." Draco blushed. Harry blushed too. "Notice any theme from the gifts I gave you?" Harry thought about it.

"Ring... diary..." He thought.

"I know... Tom's Horcruxes?"

Draco facepalmed. "Yeah, that's what it is. Definitely." Harry placed his hand on Draco's. "I'm sorry Dray, I don't know." Draco nodded. "It's ok, the theme was child. They were things from my childhood." Harry smiled. "Awe that's sweet. Wait. Child? You can't be pregnant, it's not possible." Draco blushed a deep red and chuckled. "No no no. The program at St.Mungos is starting up. It won't be ready for three years, but it's open to fill out paperwork and 'reserve our spot', so to speak." Harry's face instantly lit up. "Oh Dray, let's do it!" Draco pulled him into a kiss and their friends all aahed. "Oh bugger off you wankers."

"I have some news as well." Blaise began. "Well, no it's not news." He pulled out a large box and handed it to Ron. "Pansy and I have this thing where we buy a gift for someone, anyone really, at a random time of the year. I chose you and today." Ron smiled. "Wow, thanks Blaise. You know, two years ago, I never would've imagined opening a gift from a Slytherin. But Blaise, you've become a really good friend of mine. You're a great bloke. I'm lucky to have you."

"Mate I'm so proud of you for saying that. You've come a long way," Harry smiled. Ron smiled back and shook the box. "Bloody Hell, this isn't small and it's quite heavy." Hermione giggled under her breath. "Big box for Ron," She muttered. Ron began unwrapping the box. His jaw dropped. "Blaise... thank you." It was filled to the brim with Chudley Cannons merch. Blaise smiled "What are friends for?" 

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