Chapter 24

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"What, what's wrong?" Draco asked Pansy who was frantically signalling him to shut up. She pointed towards the door and Draco turned just in time to see Harry running out of the room. "Ah, not this again. See, look what you've done. You happy?" Draco ran out of the room, trying to catch up with Harry.

"Ry, I only said that so they would leave me alone." Harry turned around, tears staining his cheeks. "Whatever Draco. It's always like this with you. It's too much. Do you hate me or not?" Draco grabbed Harry's hands. "I don't know why you think I hate you, Harry. Maybe something from your past has given you this perception that lots of people hate you, but listen to me. Look at all the people who helped celebrate this day with us. A day for you. We all love you Harry. I know you have a broken past, but that doesn't mean we hate you. I will never hate you and I will tell you that a thousand times a day until it sinks in if that's what it takes. You are the greatest person I ever met. Except for me of course." Harry chuckled. "Good, now go visit your friends." Harry nodded but didn't let go of Draco's hand. He didn't let go for the rest of the night, he brought Draco with him everywhere. He knew it for sure now. There's no way he would've been able to let go if he shook hands with Draco in first year. No way at all.

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