28- I'm sorry

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"Colbs!!" I squeak running into the living room where he's sitting on the couch and he laughs "yeah, baby?" I smile "guess what!" I squeak jumping infront of him "hm, what?" he asks putting his hands on my hips leaning up and kissing me making me smile more "our anniversary is next week!" I squeal he hums wrapping his arms around my waist and putting his head on my stomach "soo I thought that we could go to that one restaurant and then we look at the stars!" "baby..." he trails off looking up at me "pleaseee?" I beg "I-" "ple-" "I won't be here baby" he cuts me off and my face drops "what?" I say tears brimming my eyes "I'm sorry baby.. I go back to LA before our anniversary" he says and gets up hugging me "I couldn't bring myself to tell you, I'm really sorry baby" I pull away from the hug "y-your joking.. r-right?" he shakes his head and cups my cheeks but I push them away "baby, please, I'm sorry" he says trying to hug me but I push him away and run back up to my room. I curl in a ball under the covers hugging a pillow tight crying in it. I hear the door open but I don't bother looking up "baby.." Colby says with a sigh "I'm sorry baby, please stop crying" he says sitting next to me and pulling me into his lap and I move the pillow hugging him tight crying in his neck "shhh baby" he rubs my back laying his head on mine and he continues calming me down.
"I'm sorry" he says wiping my tears "you said you'd leave after" I say sadly "I know baby" he says caressing my cheek "I don't want you to go" he sighs "I know, I don't want to leave you either but I have to" I nod slightly "I'm sorry" he says again I nod and he presses a kiss to my forehead "what day?" I ask "Tuesday" I frown since it's the day before "can't you stay longer?" I ask "no, I wish I could baby" I frown "p-please" I beg my voice cracking "baby don't cry" he says cupping my cheeks wiping them before they fall and one slips and he wipes it quickly "stop crying baby" "I-" he kisses me cutting me off "I'm sorry" he says then pecks my lips "I'm sorry" he says again kissing me again doing it multiple "s-stop" I giggle sadly pushing him away and he kisses all over my face making me laugh "stop! it tickles!" I giggle and he stops "no more crying" I nod and he kisses me softly. We pull away and I hug him tight and he holds me just as tight "I'm sorry" he whispers softly.
Colby pulls away from the hug and kisses me and I melt into it. We pull away and he pecks my lips once more and I smile "what do you want to do today?" he asks putting his head against mine "I dunno" he hums "how about we..." he trails off thinking of something "what time is it?" I giggle and grab my phone turning it on "2:30" he hums and pecks my lips "wanna make some cookies?" he asks "ooo let's do it" he chuckles and I get off the bed "race you!" I say already running "that's not fair!" he yells running after me I giggle running down the stairs. I get to the last step and I feel his arms wrap around me making me squeak in surprise and he throws me over his shoulder "Colbs!" I squeal he chuckles and goes to the kitchen "cheater" I huff when he puts me on the counter "oh, I'm the cheater?" he says putting his hands on my hips I giggle "yep" he hums putting his head on mine "nope" I move my head "I don't kiss cheaters" "is that so?" "mhm" he nods and walks away gathering the things for cookies.
I grab the bag of chocolate chips but Colby takes them "heyy" I pout "no, it's for the cookies" "we're not gonna use the whole thing" he shrugs "Colbs I want some" I whine he hums putting flour into a bowl "Colbsss" I whine "ok, you can have some" "yay!" I cheer "only if you give me a kiss" I huff "no" "that's what I thought" he says "now help me make this" I nod and help him make them.

Colby puts the cookies in the oven then comes back standing in between my legs and lifts up my head so I'm looking at him instead of my phone and he kisses me I giggle and pull away "baby" he frowns I giggle "I'm not kissing you" he huffs "your the one that cheated!" he exclaims I giggle "you did too" he groans and grabs my face kissing me but I don't kiss back he groans and pulls away putting his head against mine "your gonna kiss me weather you like it or not" he says I giggle "ok, Colbs" he pushes my face away I shake my head softly and I grab the spoon and lick the batter off of it and he gathers the other dishes and puts them in the sink and washes them. He comes over and takes the spoon "you have some on your face" he says before putting the spoon in the sink "did I get it?" I ask once he gets back "no" I huff "now?" he shakes his head and grabs my chin kissing me softly and I smile melting into it. He pulls away "told you" he says with a smirk and I huff "very smooth Colbs" I say getting off the counter and he follows me "I told you I always get my way" I giggle and he grabs my wrist and turns me so I'm facing him "it wasn't fair" I say he hums putting his hands on my hips "but, I still got you to kiss me" "yeah, but you cheated again" "hm, and how did I cheat?" he asks putting his head against mine I giggle and wrap my arms around his neck "hm?" he hums waisting for an answer "you distracted me" I say "I was helping" I giggle and he tries kissing me but I move my head "baby" he says a little stern I giggle "no, you lied about when your leaving so I'm not kissing you" he chuckles "really baby?" "mhm" he pulls me closer and stumbles forward and we fall onto the couch I giggle scratching the back of his head and he leans down to kiss me but I turn my head and he looks me in the eyes "if you don't kiss me now.. we won't kiss the rest of the time I'm here" he says softly then leaning down to kiss me but I don't kiss back "you really wanna be like that baby?" I giggle "yes" he hums and caressing my cheek then dragging my bottom lip out "you.. won't last" he says looking me in the eyes again "yes I would" I say he drags out my lip again slowly "maybe.." I giggle and he places his lips on mine again "maybe not.." he says then placing his lips on mine again bitting my bottom lip dragging it out me not kissing back the whole time "no Colbs" I giggle "I'm not kissing you this time" he hums doing the same thing as he just did. He moves to my neck and bites it making me gasp "Colbs!" "kiss me" he growls "no." I say stubbornly he bites my neck again "ow Colbs!" "kiss me" "no! you just bit me!" he groans and places his lips on mine keeping them there. "fuck you" he growls when I don't kiss back "I told you, your not getting your way this time" I say and he bites my neck again "Colbs! stop!" "kiss me!" he yells frustratedly "no!" he growls places his lips on mine taking my lip in between his teeth biting it making me gasp so he shoves his tongue down my throat I giggle pushing him away "nice try Colbs" he groans then feathers kisses all over my face making me giggle. He gets to my lips and pecks them over and over again "babyyy" he groans "no!" he huffs pecking my lips over and over again. He takes my lip in his teeth bitting it again shoving his tongue down my throat when I gasp but he makes it harder for me to push him away "kiss me baby" he growls in it making his tongue mine in my mouth and I give in melting into the kiss and he smirks in it our tongues dancing together. "hey! break it up!" my mom yells throwing a shoe at us making us laugh which causes our lips to detach and Colby pecks my lips once before sitting up "sorry mom" I giggle sitting up and she laughs a little "it's fine, just don't do it in the living room or anywhere near me" she says Colby chuckles and kisses me before standing up and leaving the room "what did I just say?" she says "sorry Cindy!" Colby calls from the kitchen she shakes her head turning on the tv "baby c'mere!" I get up and go to the kitchen "yeah?" I say and he looks up "cookies are done" I smile "yay!" I squeak going to the oven where they are and he wraps his arms around my waist "I told you" he whispers in my ear and I furrowed my brows "that the cookies are done?" he laughs "no silly" he says I giggle and he picks me up putting me on the counter pecking my lips "about kissing you" he says and I huff taking a bite of my cookie "I don't care, I got multiple kisses and a cookie" I say taking another bite he chuckles and presses a kiss to my forehead "I love you" "I love you too" he smiles and grabs my chin kissing me softly and I smile in it melting into it "take it upstairs!" I giggle pulling away from the kiss "sorry" I say and Colby pecks my lips "Colby I swear to god" she says with a laugh "ok ok I'm sorry" he chuckles turning around staying in between my legs and I wrap my arms around his neck putting my chin on his head and he grabs my hands kissing the back of them I smile interlocking our fingers and he looks back and I pecks my lips "alright go to your room" she says "why?" I ask "go, if y'all wanna kiss or... whatever go to your room" she says "you don't care?" Colby asks surprised "no, not anymore, do whatever have sex I don't care, the thought of it was wierd to me is all" she says "what do you mean?" I ask confused "like.. how it works" she says I nod "oh, you just go in-" "no Colbs!" I squeal covering his mouth "go upstairs" my mom says laughing Colby chuckles and wraps my legs around his waist taking me off the counter so he's giving me a piggyback ride I giggle holding onto him and he goes upstairs.

He gets to my room and I push the door closed and he goes to the bed and puts me down and I lay under the covers and he gets in next to me "jeez Colbs you almost gave her a sex talk" I giggle cuddling into him he chuckles awkwardly wrapping his arms around me "oops" I giggle and peck his lips cuddling into him and he rubs my back gently. "I'm sorry" he says after a while and I look up at him confused "for what?" he sighs caressing my cheek "lying about when I leave" I sigh "it's ok Colbs" he hums and kisses me softly "are you sure?" he asks when he pulls away "mhm, I mean I don't want you to leave before our anniversary.. but it's ok, I guess" he sighs deeply "I'll make it up to you I promise" I nod "we'll do something fun before then, ok? we'll celebrate it early" I nod "it's not the same tho" "I know it sucks baby, but when I got the ticket out here I noticed when I was leaving and debated weather or not to come but I thought it'd be better if I do since it was your birthday and I'd at least be here close to our anniversary so we could still celebrate it, it was either then or on our anniversary but we both couldn't go longer without each other" I nod holding onto him tight him doing the same back "I promise we'll do as much as we can for the rest of the time, ok baby?" I nod looking up at him and peck his lips softly "thank you" he hums kissing me passionately.

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