26- Tiktok

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I wake up on top of Colby and I lay there for for a little waking up fully. I sit up sitting on his lower stomach and I stretch seeing I'm in the living room the girls still asleep Shea and Kat cuddling on the other couch and Devyn sleeping by herself on the same couch as me and Colby but on the horizontal part of it. I rub my eyes and lean down peck Colby's lips and he groans moving a little "love you baby" he mumbles I smile "I love you too Colbs" he smiles falling back asleep I giggle and kiss his cheek "aw that was cute" I jump and look up seeing Devyn awake now I smile "can we make tiktoks?" she asks "you just woke up" "I don't care" I giggle "sure, but I wanna take a shower first" "ok, that's fine" I hum then get up going into the kitchen limping still but not as bad "oh morning mom" I say seeing her drinking some coffee as she sits on a barstool "morning sweetie" I smile a little and look for something to eat "why are you limping?" she asks suspiciously "oh I twisted my ankle last night" I lie grabbing a granola bar "mhm, right" I roll my eyes "I'm telling the truth" I say taking a bite "how'd you do it?" I shrug "I dunno it just happened" "mhm" "seriously, why don't you believe me?" I ask kind of upset that she doesn't even if it is a lie "I just don't" I roll my eyes "ok, well I'm gonna take a shower" she nods and I head up to my room. I grab a change of clothes and a towel and go in my bathroom and undress then getting into the shower.
I get out of the shower and change into sweats and a white cropped shirt and then cover up the hickeys again and then I go back downstairs. I go to the living room and Shea and Kat are up now but Colby's still sleeping "Sam c'mon!" Devyn says I giggle and go over to her "which one is it?" "the one that goes ouch paper cut" she says and I nod and she starts the recording and we do the dance it taking a couple times before we got it correct "finally!" I cheer and Devyn posts it "guys let's do this one!" Kat says getting up from the couch showing us a tiktok "yeah, sure" she cheers and sets her phone up where Devyn's was "wanna do it with us baby?" Kat asks Shea "no, I can't dance" she nods "ok, are you guys ready?" we nod and she sets the timer and gets in place and we do the dance (imma bad bitch something something imma bust it open) after about two tries we get it and watch it over "Dev put your phone on silent" I say as it keeps going off "yeah, what is it anyway?" Kat asks she shrugs and grabs her phone "oh it's the tiktok we just posted" she says and I furrow my brows and go over to her looking at it seeing that most of the comments are talking about Colby sleeping in the back I giggle shaking my head "sammmm" Kat says "whaaaat" she laughs a little and shows me her phone "do this one" she shows me a video "uh ok" "wait seriously?" she says surprised I giggle "yeah" I say putting my phone up "anyone doing it with me?" I ask "nope" Devyn says and they sit back down I hum and set the timer "go Sammy!" Devyn yells I giggle and the dance starts (imma leave it open like a door come inside it) "babyy" Colby groans waking up I giggle "no Colby let him do it!" Devyn says "fine, just don't shake your ass" I groan and re start the recording when I mess up and I restart. I get to the end and I turn to the side and before I could shake my butt Colby wraps his arms around me pulling me towards him "Colbs" I giggle "Colby! why'd you do that!?" Devyn yells "I said I'd let him do it if he doesn't shake his ass" he says "fine, I won't" I say and peck his lips then going to my phone saving that one to my drafts and starting the recording again "move" I giggle pushing Colby out of frame and quickly getting back in he chuckles and leaves the room and I do the dance "whoo!!" Devyn cheers I giggle continue dancing I get to the end and I shake my butt since Colby isn't in here "yes!!!" the girls cheer I giggle and grab my phone watching it "nope" Colby says taking my phone "Colbs" I whine "no, do it again" I groan setting my phone back up "Colby!" the girls yell "I'll just post it later" I say since I put it in my drafts "no your not" Colby says I shake my head starting the recording again doing the dance again. It gets to the end and Colby pushes me out of the way shaking his butt instead and we all laugh it ends and I grab my phone watching it then posting it then sitting on the couch "why won't you let me post it?" I ask Colby cuddling into him "cause your mine" he says wrapping his arms around me I giggle "oh my god everyone is just talking about Colby sleeping!" Kat groans I giggle "what?" Colby says confused "go on Devyn's and Kat's tiktok" I say he hums and pull out his phone going on tiktok already being tagged in them and he goes on Kat's first and huffs when he sees the end when I kinda shake my butt I giggle and look up at him and peck his lips and he smiles a little and I look back at his phone and he's on the one I just posted and I giggle at what he comments 'whos that hottie at the end 😍' he puts his phone down and pulls me close and we all watch tv. My phone blows up from the tiktok and I sigh grabbing my phone and going to the comments most of them about Colby or hate I look at the top comment and read it 'you should do the other version in a skirt to get Colby's reaction' and multiple replays agreeing and I notice it's pearl who commented that I giggle and sit up "what are you doing?" Colby asks "bathroom" he hums and I get up and motion Devyn to follow me she looks at me curiously but follows anyway and we go up to my room.

"what are we doing?" she asks as we walk into my closet "you know the tiktok I just did?" she nods "I'm gonna do the other version y'know the one where your on the floor" she gasps "really!?" I giggle "yes, and I'm gonna do it in a skirt and get Colby's reaction" "oh my god! yes!" I giggle and she helps me find an outfit. She finds an outfit and gives it to me and leaves the closet and I change into it, it being a short white shirt and a long sleeve black off the shoulder crop top and I put on a pair of Colby's boxers underneath and then thigh high socks. I come out and Devyn squeals "c'mon!!" she yells grabbing my hand and dragging me downstairs "woah, what's happening?" Colby asks looking me up and down "nothing" I say with a small giggle "sit there" Devyn says pointing to the floor infront of Colby I nod and she takes my phone setting it up I sit down criss cross "ok, you ready?" Devyn asks "wait what's happening?" Colby asks again "oh my god is he- yesss Sam!!" Kat cheers I giggle "wait what's happening!?" Colby asks again "he's gonna- your gonna do so good!" Shea says "what the fuck is happening!??" Colby asks really confused getting annoyed "ok, Dev start" I say putting up my left leg keeping it bent she nods and starts it then quickly goes to sit down "what's happening?" Colby asks "shut up and watch!" Devyn yells then it starts and I do the leg movement and Colby groans frustratedly "stop it!" he yells but I keep going he huffs and stands up blocking the view of the camera and I keep going and he keeps trying to stop me. I get on my knees and bounce "stoop" he groans I giggle and go into the splits "yess!!" the girls cheer and before I could do the rest Colby picks me up I squeal a little and wrap my legs around him giggling and he throws me onto the couch "babyy stop" he groans pushing me back onto the couch when I get up I giggle and get up getting in the camera view and shake my butt and the girls cheer and Colby picks me up from behind "knock it off" he says throwing me back onto the couch and the tiktok ends and I just lay on the couch catching my breath "your not post-" "I posted it!" Devyn says cutting him off and he groans plopping on the couch I giggle and take my phone from Devyn and sit up going in Colby's lap and he pushes me off "Colby don't be like that" Shea says and he rolls his eyes I pout and go back in his lap hugging him "don't be mad Colbs, I'm sorry" I say and he sighs wrapping his arms around my waist "I'm not mad baby" he says and kisses the top of my head "guys we gotta go, we'll see you later!" Devyn calls as they walk away "ok bye!" we call back the door closes and I look up at Colby with a pout "baby I promise I'm not mad, honestly I know you'll do amazing at the dance and I don't mind you doing the dance" I furrow my brows "I'd rather you not post them but it's your choice but I don't want you too cause I wanna be the only one to see you do them" I giggle and peck his lips "and I don't want you getting hate for it" I nod "why would I-" I get cut off by my phone and Colby's blowing up and I look at the comments "oh.. that's why" I mumble seeing a lot of hate there also being positive ones I sigh and turn off the comments so I won't get anymore "I'm sorry baby" Colby says holding me tighter "it's ok I don't care" he gives me an unconvinced face "I'm serious, I don't care what they think I'm happy when I'm with you" he hums a small smile on his face "and I know everyone isn't gonna like me and it's fine, I just don't want them controlling our lives cause if listen to what they're saying they won't stop knowing it's working and eventually it's gonna lead into a breakup but if we don't they're eventually gonna stop knowing we aren't breaking up" I say and he smiles and I look down "I don't wanna breakup.. I can't imagine not being with you, I'm happy with you like really happy I haven't been like this- happy in general in so long an-" he cuts me off by lifting my head and kissing me softly and I close my eyes melting into it. He pulls away putting his head on mine "we're not breaking up weather you like it or not your stuck with me I'm never leaving you no matter what" I smile and kiss him "I love you baby, so much" "I love you more Colbs" I say back before our lips connect for a passionate kiss.

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