35- Welcome home

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"Baby, wake up" Colby says shaking me gently and I wake up rubbing my eyes "where are we?" I ask "LA baby" he says with a light chuckle "oh yeah" I giggle he smiles and pecks my lips "c'mon, let's go before we miss our Uber" I nod and we get up and I grab my backpack and he grabs his backpack and we get off the plane. We go inside the airport and grab our other luggage "do you wanna stop at the Starbucks?" he asks nodding his head towards it "please?" he hums "of course, c'mon" I smile and we walk to it going inside. I get my drink and I meet Colby into the small gift shop thing he went in since he wanted a 5 hour energy shot instead of coffee "hey, you ready?" he asks throwing the small bottle away after drinking it "yep" he chuckled lightly and takes one of my suitcases seeing me struggling to hold my drink "thank you" I giggle he hums and pecks my lips and we walk out of the airport finding our Uber. We find it and get in the backseat after putting our luggage in the trunk and the guy drives to the house and I lay my head on Colby's shoulder holding his hand.
About an hour later we arrive and we get out of the car getting our luggage out of the trunk thanking the guy before he drives off "c'mon, I'm tired" he groans I giggle following him to the front door and he opens it and we go inside "Colby's home!" everyone yells obnoxiously "Sam!" they yell seeing me too I giggle "hi" I smile and they all hug us "brother it's been forever!" Jake exaggerates "hm, a month without you wasn't enough" Colby jokes making Jake gasp and Corey laughs at him "you too Corey" Colby says and he gasps acting hurt Jake laughing at him I giggle "your mean" Corey says Jake agreeing "I'm joking, I missed you guys, c'mon bring it in" he says holding his arms out and they group hug "aw how cute, can we go to sleep now?" I ask and they laugh pulling away "you know where my room is baby, I'll be there in a second" Colby says "ok" I say grabbing my things he kisses my forehead and I smile going up to his room.

I put my bags down and I take off my shoes and I go into Colby's closet grabbing one of his hoodies and changing into it I smile and walk out "baby!" Colby calls and I groan "what!?" I call back getting no answer I groan and leave the room going downstairs "what Col-" "WELCOME HOME BITCH!" Devyn yells running to me hugging me tight and I hug her back "wait- your living here too!?" I ask "yes!!" she yells I giggle hugging her tighter "we shouldn't live together!" I say with a giggle knowing what's already gonna happen "I know!" she giggles pulling away from the hug "welcome home guys" everyone says Tara holding out a small circle cake we laugh and blow the candles out and Devyn takes it and takes the candles out "hey sammyy.." she says "wha- Devyn!!" I yell when she smashes it in my face and everyone laughs I wipe the cake off my eyes and I look at the ground seeing the cake on the floor and I pick it up and smash it on her face "Sam! that was on the floor!!" she yells I giggle "and?" I say and she huffs and wipes her face then she gasps taking her fake eyelashes off "Sam these were expensive!" she yells I giggle "oops.." she grabs a handful of cake I squeal running away "Dev! don't! I'm sorry!" I squeal as she chases me with handfuls of cake everyone laughing at us and filming us either with their phone or cameras "Sam! get back here now!" she yells when we are now on opposite ends on the island "no!" I squeak ducking behind the island as she throws the handful of cake at me "Dev! that would've hit me in the face!" I yell "well that's what I was aiming for!" she yells back throwing the other handful at me but I duck under the island again and it sticks to the cupboard "ok! ok that's enough before you get it everywhere" Tara says before she throws more and she huffs everyone laughing at us "fine" she huffs putting the cake down. I grab a handful of cake and walk up to Devyn as she's washing her hands "hey Devvv.." I say and before she could answer I rub it in her face "SAMMY!" she yells I giggle running away finding Colby he smiles and kisses me "did you guys get another cake?" he asks after "yeah, but a different kind" Tara answers "damn, this one tastes good" he says kissing me again I giggle pulling away "go clean up" I nod and go over to the sink and wash my hands and face.
I get all of it off and I go back to Colby "want some?" he asks cutting another slice of cake after giving one to Jake "can we share? I'm not too hungry" he hums putting the slice on a plate handing it to me "go to the living room, I'll be there in a second" I nod and peck his lips going off to the living room sitting on the couch Jake and Tara in here as well "how are you holding up? y'know with all the hate?" Jake asks kinda concerned "pretty good, I'm not letting them get to me this time" I say taking a bite of the cake "that's good" Tara says I nod and then Devyn walks in and she glares at me playfully "you owe me new eyelashes" she huffs sitting down "I don't have money for that" I say "me neither!" she huffs "ask Corey" I shrug "he won't get me them I just asked" she huffs I roll my eyes "ask me again but say it a little louder" I tell her and she furrows her brows "just do it, trust me" she nods "you owe me new eyelashes" she says louder "ask Corey he can get them for your birthday I mean it is tomorrow" I say just as loud and she looks at me confused "wha-" she gets cut off by Corey coming in "hey baby... I have to run to the store real quick" he says "ok" she says he nods and leaves the room quickly leaving the house "oh my god he fell for it!" Tara says laughing "Sam.. my birthday is in like four months" Devyn says confused "I know but now your getting an early present tomorrow" I say and she makes a face of realization "what a dumbass" Jake says "don't even, I did it to you before" Tara says "shut up Tara! we don't talk about that!" he huffs crossing his arms and we laugh. Colby comes in and sits next to me wrapping his arms around me I smile leaning into him "here" I say handing him the cake he hums taking it and kisses my temple I smile and look up at him "happy anniversary" he smiles "happy anniversary baby" I smile and he kisses me gently.


"Colbs can we go to sleep?" I ask tiredly he hums "of course, c'mon" he pats my leg standing up from the couch and I get up after "we're gonna go to sleep" he announces to the others before we walk upstairs. We get to his room and I crawl into bed getting under the covers "Colbs" I whine making grabby hands "let me change baby" I nod and grab the remote turning on netflix as he changes. He crawls in bed and pulls me close I smile cuddling into him "sorry we didn't do much today for our anniversary" he says I hum "it's ok Colbs we celebrated it yesterday, and you already spent a lot of money on me" I say he hums pressing a kiss on my head and I look up at him "I love you Colbs" I say he smiles "I love you more baby" I giggle and he smiles more caressing my cheek I hum leaning into his hand and he pecks my lips a couple times I smile connecting our lips into a passionate kiss. We pull away and I cuddle into him closing my eyes

"Welcome home baby"


and that wraps it up!
I hope you enjoyed it! A new book is already out if you haven't checked it out it's called "Brothers Bestfriend" the first chapter will be out soon!

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