25- Sleepover

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Sam falls asleep and I play with his hair while I watch tv. Soon the door swings open and I look over seeing Devyn "c'mon, go downstairs" she says "Sam fell asleep" I say and she groans "wake him up" I shake my head sitting up "he said he wants to sleep" she rolls her eyes and comes over grabbing a pillow "Dev-" before I could stop her she hits him with it "Devyn what the fuck!?" I yell as she hits him again "owww" he whines "get up!" Devyn yells and he whines curling in a ball "Sammy get up!" "ok ok I'm up!" he yells when she hits him again "come downstairs" she says putting the pillow down then leaving the room "I'm sorry baby, c'mere" I open my arms and he crawls in them wincing "that hurt" he mumbles "I know baby, I'm sorry, I told her to let you sleep" he sighs nuzzling his head in my chest "it's ok" he says and I hum rubbing his back. I get up from the bed carrying him and go downstairs and into the living room sitting on the couch "what do you guys wanna do?" I ask laying my head on Sam's rubbing his back "I dunno" Devyn shrugs and we think of things to do.
"oh! how about we do Bestfriend vs Bestfriend tag so Colby and Shea vs Sam and Devyn instead of couple vs couple since they don't know about you guys yet and I'll say the questions" Kat says "yes! let's do it!" Devyn says and we all agree "ok get the camera" Shea says and I nod and take Sam off my lap and stand up "no take him with you guys need to cover your hickeys" Devyn says and I look at Sam and he's blushing I chuckle and pick him up and going up to his room. "we're so stupid" Sam says as I set him on the bathroom counter "yeah" I chuckle grabbing the concealer out of the drawer "how'd we forget, our necks are covered" he huffs "I dunno baby, but at least your mom didn't see them" I say as I cover mine only having a couple "are you sure?" I hum "I think so, she wasn't really looking at us" he nods with a small sigh "it'll be ok baby" I say giving him the concealer he nods and I press a kiss to his forehead "call me if you need help, I'm gonna go set up the camera" he nods and I peck his lips once before leaving the bathroom. I throw on one of my hoodies and grab my camera and tripod along with the ring lights then go downstairs. I get to the living room and set the things down grabbing the tripod and camera setting it up "did you guys have fun?" Devyn asks and they laugh I chuckle shaking my head "I think they did considering Sam can't walk" Kat says "hey he can walk alright, just not very good" I say setting up the ring lights "Colbs!" Sam calls and I go up to his room "aw baby" I coo seeing him in a onesie and I put my hands on his hips "why'd you change?" I ask pecking his lips "there was hickeys on my thighs" I hum and peck his lips again and he hugs me I smile hugging him tight "wear one with me" he says looking up at me "I-" "pleaseee" he begs I sigh looking into his eyes "I guess so" "yay!" he giggles pecking my lips I smile and I pull away from him and grab my stitch onesie putting it on. Sam giggles and hugs me I kiss his head hugging him back "I love you" he says hugging me tighter I smile "I love you too baby" he looks up at me and we share a soft kiss. I pick him up and go downstairs and sit him on the couch "ok are you guys ready?" I ask "yep" Devyn says handing us white boards "alright, Kat do you have the questions?" "yeah" she pulls out her phone I hum and peck Sam's lips once more before turning on the camera and sitting down by Shea "wha-" I start "wwwhats up guys it's Colby Brock here!!" Sam says cutting me off and they laugh once they calm down I go to do my intro again but get cut off "what up guys-" Kat starts "shut the fuck up it's my line!" I yell jokingly and they stop talking and I huff and look at the camera "what's up guys it's Colby Brock here!" I say with a smile "the mood swings" Devyn says and Sam giggles I smile with a small chuckle and explain what we're doing.

"ok starting off easy, what is their favorite color?" Kat asks and me and Sam write down an answer "ok, Shea what is it?" "purple" she says "purple!" I yell turning over the board and Kat puts a tally for us on her board "Devyn what's yours?" Kat asks "pink" "easy" Sam says as he turns over his board and Kat puts a tally for them "next! what is their biggest fear?" Kat asks and the girls think for a little before putting down an answer "Devyn?" "uh I put heights" she says not sounding confident "no it's growing up" Sam says "me too!!" I yell and they laugh "Shea did you put that?" Kat asks "yeah" she turns around her board "ha! we're winning!" I yell "shut up bitch" Devyn says "ok! next! when did you meet?" we put down our answers "I believe it was at your first photoshoot" Shea says "mhm" I hum flipping my board "alright Devyn?" "kindergarten" "yep" Sam says sitting his board "if they're sad where would they be?" they write down their answers "Devyn?" "locked in a bathroom" "dev!" Sam yells "what!? I'm not wrong!" Devyn defends Sam huffs "ok what's the real answer?" Kat asks with a small laugh "the abandoned warehouse" "ohhh I forgot about that!" Devyn says we laugh "ok Colby?" "an abandoned house" I answer Shea having the same answer "who is their biggest crush?" we write down our answers "Corey" Sam answers "yep!" Devyn says with a smile "ok Shea?" Kat asks giving her a look "you, of course!" she says hugging her and I erase my answer writing Kat quickly "Colby you got it wrong!" Devyn yells "no I didn't!" I yell back "yes you did!" "how the fuck was I supposed to know it was Kat!?" I huff "cause we're dating..?" Kat says with a laugh I groan "whatever next question" I huff Sam giggles "shut up we're still winning" I say making him pout "don't worry we'll get this one" Devyn says and he nods "what is their biggest disappointment?" they write down their answers "Colby?" "uh I'd say past cutting, if that counts "Shea?" "oh I put staying with fake friends for a while" she says turning it around "damn I was going to say that" I say "ok, Sam?" "also cutting" "Devyn?" "um I said his dad.." "Devyn!" we all yell and she laughs nervously "to be fair I didn't know cutting would count" she says and I look at Sam and he makes eye contact with me and his eyes are filling up with tears 'its ok' I mouth knowing she might've triggered a panic attack 'deep breaths' I mouth and he nods taking a couple deep breaths closing his eyes "ok next question" Kat says and I look at Sam worriedly and he nods with a small smile I smile knowing he's ok "what is their most embarrassing moment?" she asks and I write down my answer "Devyn?" "the meet and greet" she answers "yes!" Sam cheers "wait, why?" I ask "it was either then or when we seen Corey at the store when we were getting snacks because I tried telling you guys that she liked Corey" Sam explains "ohh right" I say "yeah and I still hate you for that!" Devyn says "and look where you are now" Sam says "alright fair enough" she says "okayy, Colby?" Kat says "when she fell off a horse when she was giving a lesson to people" "yess that was so embarrassing" she says having the same answer "ok what is the worst thing that happened to them?" Kat asks and they write their answers "dev I swear if you put my dad" "whaaat noo" she says erasing her board and we laugh "I'd say the toxic fans" Shea says and I nod "ok Devyn?" "so I also put the toxic fans BUT I think it would be your dad for when he you know what when we were in LA" she says and sam nods "ok what are you going with?" Kat asks "the bitches at school" she says and we laugh "so toxic fans" Sam says and she nods "alright! if they were to be any animal what would they want to be?" we write our answers "a dog" Sam says "yep" "a horse" I say "yeah" "alright last question" "already?" "mhm, if they were stranded on an island which two people would they want with them?" she asks and we all think for a while. "ok, ready?" Kat asks and we all nod "Devyn what did you put?" "Me and Colby" she says turning it around "yep!" he says with a small smile "ok, Shea?" "Sam and Jake" I shake my head "nope, Jake and Corey" "what, why?" Devyn asks and I see Sam pouting "because Jake always has food on him and Corey can entertain me" I say "ohh makes sense" Shea says and I nod "ok who won?" Devyn asks and Kat looks at the board and re checks if she did it right "while she's doing that, what should the punishment be for the loser?" I ask "they get waxed?" Devyn suggests "what! no that'll only effect me!" I say "wax strips it is!" Sam says "what!?" I say and he giggles "it's a tie!" Kat says "tie breaker?" Shea asks "you have another question?" I ask Kat and she thinks for a little "yeah" "what is it?" Sam asks "we all should answer for each other" Devyn says and we all agree "ok for double points, who is their favorite person?" Kat says and we think for a second "ok, Sam and Devyn?" "me" Sam says "no! Corey, Colby?" she says and sam hums "alright, Shea and Colby?" "Kat" I say "yeah, and uh Jake?" she asks unsure and I see Sam pout "nope" "yes!! your getting waxed!!" Devyn yells getting up from the couch and getting the wax strips we laugh and I get up grabbing the camera "your getting waxed too since it was another tie" I say and Sam whines "fine" he huffs "but only Sam since he was the one that got it wrong" Devyn says coming back "yess I'm not getting waxed!" I cheer "dang it" Sam mumbles "who first?" I ask "Sam can" Shea says taking the camera "fine" he huffs I chuckle and sit next to him and grabbing a wax strip "wait is your leg even hairy?" Kat asks and Sam giggles "no, see" he rolls up his pant leg showing smooth hairless legs "ok, we're waxing your arm" Devyn says "what!?" "yeah, that's not gonna do anything" Colby says "nooo" he whines "if your legs looked like mine you'd rather do your arms" "how much hair do you have?" he asks and I roll up my pants leg "th-" he puts a strip on my leg "Sam!" I yell and he giggles rubbing it on "nooo" I groan and everyone laughs I huff and grab his arm and roll up the sleeve putting on a strip "no" Sam whines "3, 2, 1" I count down pretending to pull it and he whines "Colbyy" he whines "what?" "pull- ow!" he yells when I putt it off and he rubs his arm "it barely got anything!" Devyn huffs looking at the strip "it still hurt" he huffs "baby" she says "heyy" I chuckle "oh noo" I groan as he gets ready to pull mine off "wait whos your favorite person?" Kat asks since I didn't say "Sam- oh you fucking bitch!" I yell as he pulls it off and I hug my leg falling back on the couch and everyone laughs then I feel something stick to my leg "ohh god!" I yell as he put another one on me "fuuuck" I groan "stop moving" he giggles I sit up "ok, ok I'm ready" I say "nonono" I say grabbing onto his arm "Colbs let me pull it!" "no!" I grab his other arm "I have to!" he giggles "ok fuck, do it" I let him go and he pulls it "ow fuck!" I yell "you didn't get it!" Kat yells "what!?" I yell and look at it seeing he only ripped it and they all laugh "no fuck you!" I yell pushing his hand away when he tries taking it off "I have too" "no, please it hurt- holy fucking shit!" I yell in pain when he rips it off "it's so smooth!" he says touching the waxed part of my leg I chuckle shaking my head and I do my outro.

I get up and go to the camera "peace" I say covering it then turning it off "now what?" Kat asks I shrug turning off the ring lights "how about we have a movie night?" Shea suggests "sure, I'll get some snacks" Devyn says getting up Shea and Kat leaving to help her Sam staying on the couch and I grab the filming things bringing them back to Sam's room. I get back to the living room and I lay on the longer part of the couch "c'mere baby" I open my arms he smiles and crawls over laying on top of me I smile moving his hair out off his face and cupping his cheek and he leans into my hand I smile and kiss him softly "Colbs?" he asks "yeah?" "why didn't you say me for that one island question?" I chuckle "baby I didn't mean it like that" "then why didn't you?" he asks "because if I were to be stuck on an island there wouldn't be any food or anything and I wouldn't want you to suffer with me" he frowns making me furrow my brows "I'm sorry" he says sadly "for what?" I ask confused "I chose you" I chuckle "baby it's ok" "but I don't want you to suffer too" he says his eyes filling with tears "baby don't cry" I cup his cheeks wiping them before they fall "I promise it's ok, we're not actually stuck on an island" "b-but what if we were?" he says tears falling "stop crying" I say wiping his tears "why is he crying?" Devyn asks as they walk in with the snacks "he's sad he chose me for the island question" I say "really? I thought he'd be mad you didn't pick him" Kat says "he was until I explained why, so nows he's sad" I say sitting up and he hugs me tight "Sammy stop it's not like your actually stuck on an island" Devyn says "b-but wh-what if w-we were?" he sobs and I rub his back "why are you crying about this?" Shea asks "I-i d-ont want h-him to s-uffer w-with m-e" he sobs into my chest "wait thats kinda cute" Kat says I kiss Sam's head rubbing his back "look at me" I say softly and he only holds me tighter "I'm not mad I promise baby" "r-really?" he asks looking up at me I hum cupping his cheeks and wiping his tears "b-but you'd s-uffer t-too" I hum "I know baby, but I don't care" he sighs "bu-" "baby, it's never gonna happen but if it were I would just be happy to be with you knowing your safe" he smiles and I kiss him softly we pull away and he hugs me tight nuzzling his head in my chest and I move laying down and covering us up with a small blanket and Devyn turns on a movie and we watch it.
Sam yawns cuddling closer to me and I wrap my arms around him protectively and kiss the top of his head "goodnight baby" he hums nuzzling his head in my chest "g'night" he mumbles soon falling asleep. I adjust a bit and pull Sam close pulling his leg over my waist and I put my head in his neck falling asleep myself.

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