3- Toxic

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"Sam wake up" I hear my mom say "hm" I hum my eyes still closed "get up your going to school" "nooo" I whine and Colby pulls me closer to him "well you have to you already missed a whole month" I whine "I don't wanna" "well your going so get up or your going to be late" she says annoyed and I hear her leave and I whine and cuddle closer to Colby "baby" he mumbles tierdly "baby what's wrong" he asks holder me tighter "Sam get up!" My mom yells and I whine and hold Colby tighter "I don't wanna go to school" I mumble he hums and we just hold each other.
"Sam!" My mom yells making me jump awake and I sigh deeply and I sit up and Colby groans and turns around I grab my phone and check the time 6:45 I huff and stand up and make my way to the closet and change.
"baby?" I hear Colby call and I rinse off my toothbrush and put it away and I come out of the bathroom "yeah Colbs?" he opens his arms "come back" I sigh "I can't I have to go to school" he groans and get out of bed coming to me and hugging me tightly and I hug him back "I don't wanna leave you" I mumble sadly "I'll be ok baby" I nod and I look up at him "but what are you gonna do?" "I'll figure something out baby" I sigh and he frowns and cups my cheek caressing it "but I don't wanna leave you alone" "I'll just ask Shea if she wants to hang out" I nod and hug him again.
"Sam!" My mom calls I sigh and pull away from the hug and Colby kisses me softly "I love you baby" "I love you too" he smiles and pecks my lips once more "have a good day baby.. but right now I'm going back to sleep" he says getting back in bed and I giggle a little and I grab my bag and then my phone "bye Colbs" I say opening the door "bye baby" I smile a little and I leave closing the door.
I go downstairs and I grab my keys "bye mom!" I call "Bye!" She calls back I leave and I get in my car and drive to school.


"Sam!!" Kat yells as I shut my locker and I turn around and she hugs me "hi" I giggle a little and she pulls away then Griffin and Xepher come over and Xepher laughs "nice hickey" my eyes go wide and I put my hand over it and everyone laughs "stoopp I forgot that was there" I whine "here I'll cover it up" Kat says grabbing concealer out of her bag and I nod and tilt my head for her "sooo dude you guys fuck?" Xepher asks "wha- no!" She laughs "then why is it there?" Griffin asks as Kat finishes "cause he sucked on my neck, how else would it get there?" they laugh "ok ok but tell us if you do" Xepher says "um no please don't" Kat says "yeah don't" Xepher says changing her mind and we laugh and talk about other things.
The bell rings and we head off to class and I get in history and sit in the back with a sigh since Devyn isn't here and this class is overall boring. "Sam!" I look over to see Olivia coming over "what's up?" I ask as she sits down where Devyn would normally sit "so... are you dating or not?" "dating who?" She rolls her eyes "Colby!" "oh, no" he groans "why not! Solby has to go come true!" I giggle "your solby shipper?" "Yes! And there isn't many but you have to date!" I nod "ask him!" "ask him what?" "To be your boyfriend!" "Liv!" Kendall yells angrily "oo your in toublee" I tease "shut up" she nudges me "whats up?" "you better not be doing what I think your doing" she says giving me a glare "of course I am!" She smiles widely "you know he wouldn't want to date him he wants to date me!" I sigh "well I bet he much rather want to date Sam then a toxic fan like you!" "I'm not a toxic fan!!" She screams "Kendall!" Madalynn calls coming over "what Maddy" she says annoyed "stop screaming litterly everyone is looking at you" we all look at the rest of the class and they are looking over at us questionably "sorry but I'm right" Kendall says "about what?" "That Colby would much rather date me then Sam" "oh my god this is what your talking about" she laughs "yes! Because solby needs to become real and Sam needs to ask him out!!" Olivia squeals and Madalynn laughs a little "well as much as I'd like to date Colby I don't care who he dates but I am in fact a Solby shipper" she says, Kendall scoffs "why would he date someone like him though!" "well he is actually a nice guy Kendall" Madalynn says "no he's not he's disgusting!" "Maybe to you but maybe not to Colby" Olivia says winking at me and I shake my head with a small smile "what are you guys talking about?" Some random girl asks coming up to us "mine your business" Kendall says harshly "you know Colby Brock? From the traphouse on youtube" Olivia asks and she squeals "oh my god I love them!" "Well we're talking about Colby" Olivia says "oh my god I want to date him so bad!" "Yeah yeah what about solby?" "oh my god Sam can go die in a hole" she says disgusted not even noticing me "ok... can you guys leave please?" I ask then the one girl looks at me and glares "stay away from Colby" she snaps and leaves I sigh deeply "she's right f*g" Kendall says and my face drops she leaves dragging Madalynn with her "I'm sorry Sam" Olivia says "it's ok Liv it's not your fault" she sighs "can you leave please?" She nods sighing and gets up and leaves.


"F*g" that one girl from history says pushing me into the lockers and walks away and I let a tear slip from and continue walking to lunch. Kendall comes over and pushes me into the lockers harshly making me groan in pain "stay away from him" she says slamming me into them again and walking away "are you ok?" A girl asks helping me up "yeah I-" "oh my god your Sam!" I nod and she squeals "can I have a picture!?" "I- sure" I sighs she smiles wide and she hands her friend her phone and we take a picture "thank you!" She smiles "yeah no problem" she waves walking away with her friend.
I get pushed into the lockers again by some other random girl "stay away from Colby you hear me?" I sigh and nod slowly and she slams me in them harshly and my back hits the lock making me wince "f*g" she says and leaves and I sigh again and I walk to the cafeteria without getting pushed again.
"Sam! What took you so long?" Xepher asks as I sit down "oh I got held back bus teacher" "oh ok well c'mon were getting our food now" "no it's ok I'm not hungry" "you sure?" Griffin asks "yeah" they nod and leave and my phone goes off and it's Colby 'hey baby❤️' 'hi' 'i miss you' 'miss u to' 'are you ok' 'yeah why' 'idk you seem off' 'sorry just a long day' 'ok I have to go tho' 'ok bye' 'love you baby' 'love you too' I turn off my phone and rest my head in my hands. Soon the others come back and we talk.


It's now the end of the day and I grab the things I need out of my locker and shove it in my backpack and sling it over my shoulders. I grab my keys and I close my locker and go outside.
I get to my car and I look up from my phone to see Colby leaning on it "Colbs!" I smile and hug him and he hugs me back "hi baby" I look up at him and he smiles and kisses me "eeeee!" Someone squeals and we pull away "I knew it!!" We look over to see Olivia "liv.. don't tell anyone" "what why!?" "Please don't" she huffs "ok fine I won't" "thank you" she nods "well bye" she smiles and waves walking away. I look back at Colby and he frowns "you covered it" he says and licks his thumb wiping the concealer off the hickey I giggle shaking my head "can we go now please" he nods and pecks my lips "I'll drive you seem tired" I nod and give him the keys and we get in and he drives back to my house.

We get back to my house and we go inside and up to my room. I take off my shoes and put my backpack down and I get in bed and sit in Colby's lap and he wraps his arms around me tightly "I missed you baby" "I missed you too" he kisses my head and rubs my back gently and I close my eyes and nuzzle my head in his chest.
"What's on your mind baby?" He asks as I sigh "nothing" I mumble "hey.. it's ok you can tell me" I sigh "it's just... do you, do you actually love me?" I ask hesitantly "wh- of course I do!" He yells sounding hurt "baby you are one of the most important things in my life and I'm so glad we met I would do anything for you, I love you so much I can't even explain it and no one can change that" I nod letting out a small sob "oh baby.." moves cupping my cheeks and wiping the tears "I-im s-orry" I sob "hey.. it's ok baby but whoever made you think that is wrong ok don't believe them" I nod and he wipes the tears that fell and he pecks my lips and I nuzzle my head in his neck.


Sam falls asleep crying and I sigh and kiss his head and he nuzzles his head in my neck and I lay down holding him tight and watch tv.
There's a knock on the door and then it opens and I look over to see his mom "hey" I say softly "hey, is he asleep?" "yeah" she nods "could you wake up for dinner?" I nod "thank you" she says and leaves "baby" I whisper he whines and snuggles into me "baby wake up please" "hm" he hums tiredly "wake up" "noo" he whines and holds me tighter and I sit up "c'mon baby" he huffs and looks up at me tiredly and I smile and peck his lips "get up" "whyy" he holds me tighter "we have to go eat dinner" he huffs and gets up and I get after and we go downstairs and eat.
We get back up to his room and he goes to lay down but I grab his waist pulling him back "Colbs" he whines and turns around "I'm tired" he whines hugging me I chuckle "I know baby but change first" he sighs "ok" he pulls away I smile and peck his lips and he his to his closet and I go to my suitcase and go through the clothes.
"oops" Sam giggles as he comes out as I'm just in boxers I chuckle "it's ok baby" he giggles and lays in bed and I put on joggers.
I get in besides him and he snuggles into me and I wrap my arms around him tightly and kiss his head he looks up at me and smiles I smile back and he kisses me I smile in it and kiss him back. We pull away and I smile at him "I love you baby" "I love you too Colbs" I peck his lips once more and he nuzzles his head in my chest and I hold him tight and I slide my hand under his hoodie and scratch his back gently. I soon hear his soft snores and I smile and kiss his head and I pull him close and fall fast asleep.

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