8- Meet my Boyfriend

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It's been a week and Kendall and Natalie stopped pushing me and yelling at me because when I ran out and yelled at them everyone in school started hating them saying they did that for nothing so they stopped wanting to keep their popularity. Right now me and Colby are cuddling in bed watching netflix and I'm not paying attention lost in thought "baby?" I hum not knowing what he's saying "baby?" He says a little louder poking my side making me I jump "sorry what?" I say looking at him "what are you thinking about?" I shrug and lay my head back down on his chest "ba-" "can we tell them now?" I cut him off "wait- what?" He says shocked and I giggle a little "I wanna tell them now" I say looking up at him "if that's ok" I add "hey, if your ready we will I'll wait as long as you need, ok baby?" I nod "can we do it now?" He smiles "are you sure your ready?" I nod he smiles and sits up and I sit up too "what are we gonna do?" I ask "I already have an idea" he smiles and stands up and grabs his camera and sets it up "c'mere baby" I smile a little and I stand up and him and he hugs back I giggle "so guys... this is my boyfriend" he says and kisses my head and I blush deeply not knowing he was filming already and we pull away from the hug and we start doing random things and we soon move sitting on the bed and do a boyfriend tag.
"Wait we're done we barely filmed" I say confused "I know" he smiles and I furrow my brows "you'll see why when you see the video" I nod and hug him "I love you baby" "I love you too Colbs" he kisses my head and then he picks me up and I wrap around him and he turns off the camera and goes to the bed and sits down "I have to start editing baby it's going to take longer than usual" "why?" I ask looking up at him "because I have to add in things" I sigh with a nod and he pecks my lips and I get off of him and I cuddle in his side as he edits "hey why are you using headphones?" I ask since I want to watch and listen to it "because I don't want you to hear it yet baby" I huff and he chuckles and kisses my head and he starts editing and I watch netflix.


I get back from school and I go up to my room and I shut the door with a sigh of relief as it's Friday "baby c'mere!" he smiles opening his arms I smile and I put my bag down and I take off my shoes and I lay in his arms "I'm so tired" I mumble "me too baby, but you can finally see the video now, I posted it" "really!?" I say excitedly "yeah, wanna watch it?" I nod and I sit up and grab my laptop and I lay back down cuddling into him and I put the laptop on Colby's stomach and pull up the video and watch it.
(imagine it being like Sam's video when he introduced Kat but with Colby in Sam's place and Sam in Kat's place)
I start to tear up while watching it seeing videos and pictures of us when we first started dating and because of
what he says about me.
It ends and I look up at him and he shed a few tears "aw baby" he cups my cheeks wiping my tears and I smile "I love you" he smiles "I love you too baby" he kisses me passionately. I move the laptop and I put my leg over him and he holds me tight and kisses my head and we lay there holding each other in silence.
Soon my phone starts ringing I sigh and turn around and Colby pulls me close holding me tight and he puts his head in my neck and I grab my phone and it's Devyn facetiming me and I answer it "Sammy!!" She squeals "what dev?" She looks at her phone and squeals seeing how we're cuddling and I giggle a little and Colby tightens his grip and kisses my neck sending chills down my spine "Dev why'd you call?" "the video!!" I smile a little "did you see the comments?" she asks "no" "oh, well they are all positive and barely any hate!" "really?" "yeah! I'm so happy!" she yells and puts away her makeup "what are you getting ready for?" "oh Corey's taking me somewhere" just as she said that Corey came "ready baby?" "yeah I'll be down in a second" she says and then he leaves "ok bye Sammy!" "bye" she hangs up and I turn off my phone putting it down and I turn in Colby's arms and he holds me tight pulling me close and tangles our legs together "I love you baby" he mumbles "I love you too Colbs" he looks up and kisses me and I kiss him back. We pull away and I snuggle into him and my eyes fall closed and I open them back up "take a nap baby" he says playing with my hair "ok" I mumble nuzzling my head in his chest and he kisses my hair and I soon fall asleep.

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