10- Giving in... ⚠️

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"Have a good day baby" Colby says and kisses my forehead I hum and I grab my backpack "baby c'mere" he sighs opening his arms and I go to him and fall into his arms "don't listen to them you know it's not true" he says since people at school are bullying me ever since we told his fans which is now been a week. At first there was little to no hate and now there little to no positivity and it's effecting me badly. "I love you, ok baby? Remember that, whatever they say it's wrong" I nod "now go have a good day and don't listen to what they say" I nod again and he pulls away from the hug "I love you baby" I nod with a smile "I love you too" he smiles and kisses me. "bye baby" he says pulling away "bye" I sigh and I leave my room grabbing my keys.
I park my car now at school and I sigh heavily and I get out. I get to the doors and I go in "hey sl*t!" I sigh and ignore them untill I get pushed into the wall I hiss in pain and I look up and before I can say anything I get punched in the face and I yelp and hold my face in pain and they snicker laughing "f*g!" they call walking away and I sigh and I put my head down tears falling and my eye throbbing in pain.
"He's coming!" I hear Kat yell and I sigh and wipe my tears wincing in pain as I touch my eye. "Sammy!!" My head shoots up seeing Devyn and she runs up and hugs me "I missed you so much Sammy!" "I missed you too dev" I say my voice shakey "Sammy.." she pulls away and she gasps and cups my cheek ghosting her finger over my eye and I wince in pain "oh! I'm sorry, what happened?" She says retracting her hand "n-nothing" I say not wanting her to worry about me "no tell me right now" I sigh "i-" "kill your self already!" Kendall yells pushing me into the lockers harshly "what the fuck!" Devyn yells angrily "what" Kendall snaps looking down at her "d-dev don't" I stutter out but she ignored me and slaps kendall in the face hard and they start yelling at each other and occasionally hitting.
Kendall runs away in tears "fucking bitch" Devyn mutters and all of us are looking at her with shock and she turns around and laughs a bit "what?" "that was badass" Xepher says and we all laugh a little and we talk about other things until the bell rings.


I am sat in the bathroom against the wall crying all day I keep getting shoved in the wall hearing the same things over and over again 'kill yourself f*g' and getting shoved in lockers my phone going off constantly getting dms also telling me to kill myself and much more things but mostly that. My phone goes off and I look at it and it's Colby 'i might not be there when you come back I'm hanging out with Shea' 'k have fun.' 'are you ok baby??' 'yeah.' 'you sure' 'i promise.' 'ok see you soon love you' 'ilyt' I sigh and put my phone back in my pocket ignoring that he texted me again and I hug my knees crying in them.
The door opens and my head shoots up seeing Kendall's boyfriend, the most popular guy in school and he sees me and chuckles and turns and opens the door "baby look, f*gs crying" he says and Kendall walks in and she laughs "your so pathetic, you should just kill yourself no one would care not your friends, not Colby no one because they don't love you and no one ever will so just do it already kill your-" "o-ok I-i will thank y-you" I say and stand up "your so fucking pathetic just end it already" Mark says and I nod "it will be the best thing for everyone so you should end it as fast as you can you'll be so much happier" she says and I nod and go up to them and hug them "th-thank you f-or telling me i-ill go do i-it know" I say and pull away and open the door "w-wait are you actually?" Kendall asks "y-yes i-its for the best n-ot like anyone loves m-e a-and i-m just a p-pathetic f*g w-whos a waste of s-space" I sob "well go" Mark says I nod letting out a sob and I run out of the school and to my car.
I drive home sobbing the whole way and shaking. I park the car and I get out and run inside running up to my room and to my bathroom and I let out a sob seeing my reflection

Do it

Kill yourself



Clout chaser


No one will ever love you

Nobody will miss you

Colby hates you he never liked you let alone love you





I shakily open the medicine cabinet grabbing a blade DIE!! I let out a sob as the voices are yelling at me KILL YOUR SELF!! "STOP!" I scream letting out a sob dropping the blade END IT ALL!! NO ONE WILL MISS YOU!! I let out a loud broken sob and I slide down the wall holding my head DIE!! I shakily grab the blade off the floor and put it on my wrist DO IT!! "n-no" I choke out tears falling fast and I drop the blade again

no one loves you nobody has and no one will colby hates you! your dad hates you, your just a pathetic and useless f*g who is just a waste of space who should die!!!

I let out a loud broken sob as the voice keeps yelling at me and I grab the blade again shaking rapidly and I put it in my wrist "I-i love you C-colbs" I choke out choking on my sobs "baby!?" I hear Colby call from the room KILL YOUR SELF!! I let out another sob and I put pressure on the blade and I drag it across my wrist and I make the cut and I go down making another going down to make a third one but "BABY STOP P-PLEASE!!" Colby yells making me drop the blade letting out a loud sob "I-im s-orry" I choke out he picks me up and puts me on the counter and washes my cuts and I wince in pain choking on my sobs.
"A-re you m-mad at m-e" I sob since he hasn't said anything and he sighs
"no I'm not mad at you" he says and cups my cheeks wiping the tears and he kisses my forehead. He picks me up and I wrap around him digging my head in his neck crying still. He lays down on the bed caring me down rubbing my back. I soon cry myself to sleep in Colby's arms.

Reunited {Completed}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora