Bailey x Vinny

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Bailey's POV

I was running late for my flight. I was going to California to stay with my grandparents. I quickly ran as fast as I could and made it on time before they took off. I caught my breath as I went to my seat. I turned to my side and saw a boy with brown hair, a striped shirt, some ripped jeans and a hat made to look like a bear. It was so cute. Anyways, after a few hours of silence I decided to say hi to him.

Bailey: "Hi!"

Vinny: "Uh- Hi?"

Bailey: "I'm Bailey! And you?"

Vinny: "Uh, Hi Bailey. I'm Vinny."

After a few more hours have passed. I then realized we finally made it to California. I helped Vinny with his bags then mine as we exited the plane.

Bailey: "Hey uh- Vinny. Will I see you again?"

Vinny: "Probably not.."

Bailey: "Well- Can I have your phone number then?"

Vinny: "Sure!"

After exchanging phone numbers I waved goodbye to Vinny as we went our separate ways.


Requested by: BlueprintPITUFOXD

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