Lukey x Charlie

123 4 7

Charlie's POV

Charlie: Let's see-

Charlie: chocolate... check, Wallet... check, Mmm, Present... chec--

Charlie: Wait a minute!-

Charlie: Shoot- where did I put it

Charlie: AH-

Austin: !-

Austin: Charlie are you okay?

Charlie: Y-Yeah... thanks for catching me Austin

Austin: No problem, are you ready for your date?

Charlie: I think so...

Austin: Well, good luck on your date

Charlie: Thanks Austin! See you later.

Hi, I'm Charlie. I've recently tried online dating, and it's somewhat been fun trying it out. I met this cool guy named Lukey on there! We've been chatting on the dating site for a month now, and now I'm meeting him in real life! I can't wait for our first date tonight.

Lukey's POV

Lukey: What do you think Jacob?

Jacob: Whatever you think looks best.

Lukey: Well- I think that's all- wish me luck

Jacob: Won't

Lukey: HEY-

Jacob: I'm just kidding Lukey, I hope your date goes well.

Lukey: Thanks

---- Time skip brought to you by: My laziness! ----

Charlie's POV

Is that him- I finally made it to the movie theater where Lukey wanted to meet up with me. And the first person I see waiting outside of the building is a man with brown hair, and he's wearing white overalls that are held up by suspenders over a black hoodie with two white stripes on the sleeves and a white hood, and black sneakers with white soles.

Charlie: Uhm, excuse me- Are you Lukey?

Lukey: Uhm- Yeah, so I'm guessing your Charlie. It's nice to finally meet you in person

Charlie: Same here.

Lukey: Come on- Let's go inside now, the movie is starting soon.

Charlie: Okay!


Requested by: Lara_Flicker

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