Bailey x Elizabeth

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Welp, the next few ships are for a friend of mine on wattpad, they know who they are UwU.

Fact of the day: Bailey, Mateo, Ben and Ash have depression/Anxiety in my AU

Bailey's POV

Me and Elizabeth have been going out to skip stones lately. It was something fun to do. It helped me a bit with my anxiety.

We usual went out at around 5-6pm since it was usually cold out and we loved the cold.

I've had deep feelings for Elizabeth for a while but I have no idea on how to tell her. But after a while of think, I had an idea.

Today when we go to the lake to skip stones, I'm going to confess to her. And if everything goes to plan, she might she yes.

Anyways, part of the plan was to bring my dog, spot, along with us. The good part about it was that Elizabeth loved spot.

We took a couple of stops on our way to the lake. Mostly to get water, candy and some dog treats for spot.

Anyways, once we were there we started skipping stones. But it was kind of a fail. Once we started throwing the rocks, Spot went to go fetch them. Which was good for me since it was part of my plan.

I took one last deep breath and threw my rock as hard as I can. Once I did, Spot ran as fast as he could to catch it. Once he came back, he had a bottle in his mouth. I silently scream yes as he gave the bottle to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth, quickly took the bottle and opened it.

Elizabeth's POV

I was shocked to find Spot with a bottle in his mouth. I quickly took the bottle out of his mouth to read it.

I was a little worried since a lot of weird and unusual things happened out in the middle of nowhere.

Once I opened the bottle and read what was inside my face light up. It was a message for me. And it was from Bailey!

I'll skip some of the details and go with the important details.

In the whole letter it basically explained how she had deep feelings for me and how she wanted to be with me for the rest of my life.

I couldn't help but cry tears of joy. I've been rejected many times in my life. But this is the first time anybody has confessed to me! I'm not sure if I'm ready for a relationship, but I know I want to spend the rest of my life with Bailey...

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