Lara x Annie

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Annie's POV

I laid around my house bored. I didn't have much too do. Well...besides a motherload of homework. But it was due in 3 days, there's still time too play around and have fun right? Just then, I heard a knock on my door.

Annie: Hello?

As I opened the door, I smiled brightly as my best friend, Lara, came inside. Wearing...her school uniform?

Lara: Hey Annie.

I waved hello too her as she sat down on my couch.

Lara: Hey Annie, why aren't you wearing your school uniform?

I was confused for a second before asking her why she had hers on.

Lara: Because we have school today?

I quickly looked at my calendar and looked at todays date. I thought that today was Saturday! But instead, it's Thursday. I screamed as I ran into my room, and changed clothes. I quickly pulled Lara by the arm and dragged her all the way too school.

Lara: By the way Annie, did you do your homework yet?

Annie: But... It's due Monday.

Lara: Uhm... no it isn't. Ms. Valentina changed it too Friday.

I started screaming inside my head. I wish I didn't have too deal with this. I always try too be positive, but the world decides too hit me in the face with life.

Lara: Well, If you want, I can help you with it.

I quickly hugged Lara as I started screaming yes over and over again. All the students who were now coming into school, just stared at us, confused.

Lara's POV

I sighed as school was over. I went back home and changed into some cozy. Most a sweater and a scarf. Once I did that, I picked up my text book, a few pens and put them inside my bookbag. I went over too a near by coffee shop and ordered 2 coffees for me and Annie. I walked too our favorite park in the city and waited for Annie. I few minutes passed by, then I saw her running towards me. I waved hello too her as she made it here.

Annie: Hi Lara!

Lara: Hi...

I liked Annie for the longest time now. So with us about to finally finish high school, I decided too tell her how I feel. I ask the person at the coffee shop too write an important message on the cup. I then remembered I had too help her with her homework. I sighed as I took out a pen and explained everything too her. We actually finished quickly, she understood everything. I handed her, her coffee.

Lara: Annie, look at the back.

She looked at me confused before she looked at the back of the coffee cup.

"Annie, I have liked you for the longest time now. Since high school is ending and I won't get too see you as often as I like, I just thought you should know. It's okay if you don't feel the same. As long as we're still friends, I'm fine with that."

Annie's POV

I blushed as I read every word written. I then turned too my side only too see Lara smile at me.

Lara: So...?

I smiled brightly as I hugged her.

Annie: Lara. I've liked you for a long time, I just didn't think you like me back!

I chuckled as I said that. I rested my head on her shoulder wanting too go to sleep.

Lara: It's funny isn't it...

I looked up at Lara too see her smiling.

Lara: Lara and Annie... Doesn't it remind you of Cotton candy and Strawberries? Their the same in many ways...

Annie: Yeah...

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