Kai x Amani

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tip of the day: Amani fails at being the spy.

Kai's POV

I held Amani's hand as we joined a regular server. We've been dating for a good 5 months. I gave her a soft smile as we were taken to the house. My role was murderer, Amani got the spy. I told myself I was going to spare her. As the game started I sat on the couch with Amani. I decided to kill Liza, because why not. She was a survivor, in her journal she said that she believed that Omar was the murderer. We all turned to look at Omar.

Omar: WHAT!?

Omar: Guys...don't tell me you believe her.

Omar: GUYS!!!

I decided to vote for Vinny, no idea why. But I voted him. But everybody had voted for Omar.

Veronica: Lol, you deserve it anyways.

Omar: I hate you guys...

[ Omar has been removed ]

I wondered around the place trying not to be a suspect to the detective. While walking around I heard a little bit of Austin's and Alex's conversation.

Alex: He didn't even try to help us...

I think they were talking about Omar, but I'm not sure. I didn't know what Austin said because he only handed Alex a note. I walked away hoping not to be a suspect.

Amani: Okay everybody! Teamwork, alright!

Adam & Kai: Alright!

I looked to my side and found Alex, John and Austin having another conversation. I listened closely to make sure I was okay.

Alex: Ugh, who's the one pulling the team behind?

John: It's Austin who's progressing too fast.

Austin: I'm just opening up paths so everybody can play more easily...

John: That's just your excuse right? To us, it's giving us problems.

John: Right Alex-

Before Alex could respond, we all heard screaming in the other room.



[ Flick Flick, Oh my, it appears that 2 have died. ]

John: Ah, me too?

John: Murderer, I won't forgive you for this...


Cody: Oh-

I looked over to Amani who is having a melt down.


Vinny: What just happened-

[ The dead houseguest, John, has been killed in their sleep. The houseguest, Cody, has been hung on a tree. ]

[ We couldn't find Cody's Journal. ]

[ We found a journal written by John ]

John's Journal

"I'm innocent, The murderer is ######!"

Amani's POV

I hugged Kai like my life depended on it. I was scared, but I was calm. We all then decided to vote out Annie.

Annie: Heh, you caught me...

Annie: The murderer is-

[ Annie has been removed ]

[ We couldn't find Annie's Journal ]

The lights started flickering once more. I prayed and stayed away from everybody as I closed my eyes. Once the lights were back on I looked around worried. I looked right next to me and found Austin dead. Before I could even speak. The lights flickered again. As I looked around Austin was alive again. I looked at Vinny. He gave him a thumbs up. I realized that he was the savior.

Kai "WHAT!?"

We all stared at Kai. Most of us voted her quickly.

[ Correct, Kai has been identified as the murderer. ]

Amani: WHAT!?


Amani: Kai!

Kai: Yeah... Its me.

I started crying and hugged Kai. I didn't want to believe that she was the murderer.

Kai: Its alright...

[ Kai has been removed ]

[ Teleporting back to the lobby ]

Amani: KAI!

I quickly hugged her. I quickly kissed her, I loved her so much.

Amani: I love you...

Kai: I love you too, Amani...


Requested by: ramenlized

( Credits to LonelyMoon, I got lazy and some what got inspired by her/his//their video of flicker. )

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