Indah x qasim

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I'm sorry that this took forever to get out. I've been busy. Anyways there might be a lot of mistakes and lots of broken English, sorry about that, I still hope you enjoy. And yes I know this was has 0 effort put into it, but its been forever since I've written something, so I am very sorry.

Indah's POV

"Hey Qasim, I'm going to the store. do you want anything?"

"No thanks, anyways you should bring an umbrella its going to be raining a lot for a while."

"I will, bye qasim!"

-- insert time skip because I'm still too tired haha, did- did anybody get the reverence?--

3rd person POV

Qasim sat alone in his and Indah's house waiting for her to come back home. He quietly sat by the window watching the rain pour down outside. Half an hour went by and Indah still hadn't come home. After a few more minutes went by he got a call by Indah's sister (Odette, this isn't canon but I see them as sisters). She told him that Indah had gotten into a car accident, and that she was now in the hospital. After hearing this Qaism quickly got into his car and went to go see Indah, along with getting her some flowers and some candy. Once he made it to the hospital, he was glad to see Indah okay minus the few bruises on her face. he handed her the flowers and they held hands until they waited for a nurse or doctor to tell them that Indah is well and she can leave.

(I tried my best in this one, Im sorry if it isn't as good as my old ones. Its been a while.)

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